Thirty Below, Oh No!

Several years ago I was on the phone with my dad while he was at work. His job at the time was fueling and maintaining heavy equipment at a gold mine north of the arctic circle. I remember this conversation distinctly because of the temperature that he was working in. It was -68 Fahrenheit.
This Kat does not like it when it's below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. I am definitely a temperate Pacific Northwest Creature. I love the snow and winter weather, but that subarctic stuff is not for me. When it gets below zero I get all kerfluffled about things such as water freezing, animals getting frostbit, did I mention water freezing?
I am sure some of that neurosis comes from so many years tending to livestock, but seriously, anyone who cares for anything that lives outside probably experiences some form of heart palpitations when the mercury plummets into below zero land.
Or maybe it's just me?
If I just had a pack of sled dogs and some super warm alpaca gear then I might be a bit more exuberant about the minus O cold, but when I saw this on my NOAA forecast, well, my heart chilled (PUN!)
So, um, that's something isn't it? I mean we are going to be looking like this starting tonight as the forecast for tonight is a slightly more balmy -33F wind chill.
I can't complain though, as this year is part of my twenty-four month sabbatical from livestock care, so I guess instead of making sure water is properly heated and bedding is sufficient for beasties I will just have to console myself during the cold spell with writing papers and taking quizzes while sipping hot cocoa beside my woodstove.
Heck, I might even put on my super cold winter gear and take a bit of a snowshoe through the Minnesota or Fairbanks, Alaska-like temperatures. It could be fun.
But I also happen to think tea, biscotti, and cozy slippers are fun too. I mean balance is a thing.
That said, you can bet during our thankfully short-lived climatological trip to the Arctic temperature experience that I won't be lamenting about it. Nope, I got friends and something called game night! There will be D&D, MTG, and RPG games galore!
And on that note, I got some chorin to do! Stay warm friends!

Ooh! It just dawned on me, blog friends, what are some of your favorite activities to do when it gets too dang cold for life outside? You know, when the weather is bad?
And for my tropics-dwelling friends, what do you all do when it's too hot and/or humid out? I love hearing about ya'lls routines and such. In my last few snow-themed posts I noticed that quite a few of you have never experienced snow and the cold, but I know you get your fair share of bad weather too!

*And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's not especially impervious to frigid temps iPhone.*

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