Hey there wonderful people of needle work and a happy new months. It been a minute and i must say i missed sharing update on my journey as a fashion enthusiast. Today i want to speak on one of the major issues seamstress come across. But i will like to take an angke people don’t usually take that seamstresses angle. Before i get to the discussion for this article, I would like to give a shout out to all seamstress amd say you are really amazing the art of tailoring is not an easy one so I celebrate you . I believe i would know the struggle to recreate an attire because i was in a similar situation where i had to recreat a dress for my sister i saw on instagram and the pressure wasn’t even here😩.
the dress I recreatedThe dress i was recreated is one I don’t really know the particular name or if it has a name at all i do however know how to perfectly describes the dress but if you know the name please let me know in the comments.
I Call it an A cut dress with a structed hip and lace sleeves. Although the dress came out nice i just thought to shere with you the struggle in achieving a similar look to the one on the picture. Also note that this was my second attempt at making the dress and although it came out quite alright, i know the struggle and money i had to invest just to achieve a similar look. The case might not be same for more advance seemstress but i feel the need to talk about the pressures and clear certain speculation.
If you follow my sewing journey you will understand why this task proved to be more tidous for me.

*when i started drafting the dress”
Now adays online we come across alot of stories of “what i order Vs what i got” some, very hilarious while other are just so unnecessary. Sometimes i think people fail to understand what it means to recreate an outfit. I believe People make up the words to be replicating there is however a difference between recreation an outfit and replicating it. Although it may be a thin line, I believe it’s there.
I come across alot of “what i order vs what i got “ challengesthat seemed so unnecessary. Clients don’t actually realize the pressure a seamstress goes through just to reacreate a dress and it still might not come out exactly. And sometimes clients do not even realize how no body can truely ever replicate an outfit especially one you see online. I can’t blame them though i used to be like them always being hard on fashion designer till i understood the follow things.
Media literacy: when i came to understand that things on the social media may not be what the seem. Sometimes we see an outfit and want to recreate the effect but perhaps have you ever wondered, this content has been throughly edited to look the way it does.
my drafted out pattern My first attempt of making this dress is an example of my inability to understand the ways of media content.
I tried so hard to replicate the design, to make it so sooth that i ended up making too many errors. In an attempt to make the hips give the exact effect like the one on the photo, i covered my previous dress in gumstay that it ended up looking like a Christian tree with no decorations 😂🤦♀️. It didn’t occur to me the amount of editing that had gone into that picture to make it come out like that. I would show you a picture put i was too ashamed to snap it but belive me it’s probably worse than you imagined 😭😂.
So please let give fashion designers some credit cut them the slack honestly because recreating a dresss may be obstructed by several factor like ;
You body type not fitting with the style
Distortion from the internet and so many other reason and plus it called an inspiration photo for a reason it is meant to inspire creativity it cannot be exact.
Regardless I’m glad my dress came out not exactly but at most similar.
Also a huge shoutout to my kid sister for always agreeing to be my test subject, it’s an honor to explore fahion with you 😊.
Thank you for reading through 😊🌹
much love from @gemangel