Fitness is good business they say but truly I have never really understood it till the 28th of December 2024. A meeting that changed my perspective on fitness as a lifestyle.
Hello everyone, I am Gem-angel and this is my first time making an entry this community. I am so excited to share an experience that changed my perspective on fitness and for this purpose, I am very excited I came across this community.
It was on the 28th of December last year and I came across a billboard ads a few week before the day of the event. Honestly, one of the things that interest me was the tag FREE. At that point I thought to myself what it really cost me to try something new, the answer was boldly written, FREE. Because of how transparent I am trying to be about my experience, I will be honest about the real reason I decided to. It was for three main reasons
1. It was FREE
2. It was also boldly written that there would be gift items
3. And lastly, for me it was just content. Something I could post on my social media for a few engagements.
Although I came to the event for three unrealistic reasons, I went back with one very tangible reason. What was your new reason if you may ask?
My reason emerged from a statement that one elderly man made.
Visualize this; I was done running 5km which was the smallest option to go for. They had 10km which came with a silver medal and the golden medal 15km.
I was done running 5km and I was on a line to get my certificate. Honestly, 5km was the longest I had ever ran in my life and as a matter of fact, I didn’t know that 5km would be so long. Clearly at this point I was so exhausted it was like I lost my last strength but right in front of me, two older men were having a conversation. I didn’t really know what it was about but was drew my attention was when the oldest man said and I quote
I am going again I think I should do the 15km
And to my greatest surprise the other man that was talking to him just agreed. In my head I was like are these people not even tired. Even though I was most likely less than double of their age, I couldn’t get myself to properly running 5km without stopping every 10sec but this older men were going do triple and yet, that wasn’t even what motivated me. What really motivated me was what one of the men had to say. He made a statement that he wished he could take back the hand of time to when he was still youth. He said could have done better. He also added what I would now call my new mantra. He said many young people make the mistake of trading their health for wealth and later try to trade back the wealth for health.
He went on and on about saying how a lot of illness can be prevented if we eat healthy and live healthy.
Honestly I felt like he was talking to me, I know how many times a stay up at night on my laptop working and taking caffeine to stay awake. I know the amount of junk food I consume with the excuse that I have no time to actually cook all this to generate wealth that I may end up trading for health.
Many times we put our life on the line, just to generate wealth forgetting that truly, health is wealth.
As I watch those two middle age men leave I thought to myself, Angel you can do better. Although I didn’t go back and do at most 5km more to make it 10km, I however made a decision to save up and register for a gym membership class and try my possible best to live and eat healthy. Rather than junk food; I know try to have salad instead and also, try to cooperate salad into all my meals.
In conclusion, wealthy living is healthy living. Thank you so much for reading. Till neck time; I still remain the very enthusiastic writer @gemangel.