Hello hello dear HIVERS ❤️ especially to the food lovers of this beautiful community of
@foodiesbehive in this opportunity I want to share with you a recipe for some cupcakes that I learned to make many years ago in a baking course.

Some people use to make cupcakes with the same mixture of the cakes, but sometimes the result is not as expected because it is a different mixture, a little less dense and they tend to spike, so they are not plump and puffy.
This recipe that I am going to share here will not only allow you to make perfect cupcakes/ponquesitos in presentation and flavor, but they are also cupcakes that last for many days and keep their softness like new, I used to make these to sell in a bodega I had and they lasted perfect for days.

- 4 and a half cups of leavening flour.
- 2 and a half cups of sugar.
- 6 eggs.
- 1 and a half cups of liquid milk.
- 450 grams of margarine.
- 1 and a half tablespoons vanilla.
- #11 cups.
- Ponquesera (mold to bake cupcakes).

Although I measure the ingredients by cups and I only weighed the margarine, I am going to post here some photos I took of the weight of the materials.
The first thing to do is to preheat our oven to 180° C. After turning on the oven and at temperature we proceed with the preparation.
Add the butter and sugar to the mixer bowl and mix well until creamy.

After the butter with the sugar is very creamy, when it goes from that intense yellow tone to a light yellow, at this point add one by one the eggs, continue beating at good power (in my mixer I used speed 6, in lower power mixers or hand mixers it would be at maximum speed).

Then we add the flour and the milk, we add alternately, we start with a little flour, then a little milk and so on until the end, finishing with the flour. I was taught that you always start and end with the flour.
To finish with the preparation of the mixture add the vanilla essence and the baking powder, the latter is optional because the flour is leavening, I did not add it.
Once the mixture is ready, place it in the layers, which should be in a mold for baking cupcakes. Place the mixture in relatively equal amounts, I do it with a funderelele, the spoon to make ice cream balls, this is perfect to manipulate the mixture more easily and gives a fair measure for this size of cupcakes.
We put them in the oven for about half an hour, the time can always vary depending on each oven, in mine it took 40 minutes, here the sign that they are ready is when they begin to look golden brown and when you insert a toothpick it comes out clean.

This recipe yielded a total of 48 cupcakes, and I tell you that in the guide it said for 24 cupcakes, I had many years without making it and yesterday I had an order for 20 cupcakes and I made it and wow although I remembered that it yielded a little more I did not remember that it yielded so much, here in my house everyone was excited because there were a few extra cupcakes.
In fact I couldn't take pictures of the whole production because we were eating them 🤭 and besides that day I had a crazy day, I had many orders and I missed that detail.
However, almost to say goodbye here I leave you a picture with the first round coming out of the oven and the second round in process, I baked them in two batches of 24 and 24.

I highly recommend this recipe, it is delicious, it yields a lot and they stay soft for a long time, I have another recipe over there that are a little cheaper but in two days they are hard hehehehe these that I showed you today, these hold a long time soft as new.
This recipe is excellent to start a business with cupcakes, I learned it in a course I did with a very popular pastry chef from the city of Barinas, her Instagram account is
I hope you liked my post today, thank you very much for reading me 🙏 see you in a next post, a sweet hug, greetings and blessings to all.

The Pictures used throughout my publication, **are my property**.
The photos used throughout the post were taken with my **Redmi 10S phone**.
Banners & Signatures Made in *Corel Draw Photo-Paint*
Translation to English with *DeepL*
**Publication free of AI.**