A huge Gamer, nerd, and aspiring writer! I try to upload content every second day!
The first ever Witcher 4 trailer was revealed at The Games Award, and does it ever look good! But this seemingly innocent trailer has stirred up a ridiculous controversy around Ciri, the main character of the next Witcher game. And it’s because of controversy and takes like the one this stirred up that I started to distance myself from the Anti Woke crowd.
But before we get into this article, let me tell you what I think true journalism should be. True journalism is when you report on an event or story without bias. Where you list the facts and that is that. But true journalism is very hard to come by nowadays with most journalists either taking a left or right wing approach to their story.
The Dragon Age universe is my favorite video game universe next to the world of The Witcher. Although I haven’t read all the media about this universe, I have read the comics and the first 3 books. And I love them just as much as the games. My introduction to Dragon Age was around 2012. After I beat the Mass Effect series, I was hankering for some more BioWare and discovered Dragon Age.
Why I bought a Wireless MouseAround a two months ago I had to move my computer setup due to issues I was having with my floor. My current setup is best described as being a “cubicle”. My PC sits on the end of an L-shaped desk and my monitors are on another desk. Because of this, I have a lot of wires strewn about.
I discovered Dragon Age shortly after beating Mass Effect for the first time in 2012. I loved the bioware formula and quickly took to google to discover other games like that and that is when I came across dragon age. So I convince my father to drive me into town to pick DA:O and DA:2 up. And as soon as I popped the game into my PS3 and created my character, I fell in love with the series.
You might remember be saying how Legacy of the first blade is one of my favorite DLCs in the Assassin’s Creed series, well it is kind of odd to say my most hated DLC belongs to the very same game. The story for Fate of Atlantis is very confusing. Layla, the modern day protagonist, relives the memories of Alexios/Kassandra as they go through a simulation created by Alethia to gain the power needed to wield the staff of Hermes.