A Hue-Man BE-ing on Mother Earth
Presently Minded For The Future
Hello Everyone, I just made another batch of Crack Mack cannabutter because the first one is already gone. It turned out to be a major hit, so for this batch I made more than double the amount of butter and I upped the cannabis content a bit too.
Hello Everyone, The Crack Mack harvest is now fully complete and the final weight is in.After all is said and done I have a total weight of 512 grams, just over one pound. I had to account for bud that's already been taken from the harvest, a total of two ounces. An ounce to make some cannabutter and an ounce I gifted to a friend. I didn't count about a half ounce or so that I've been smoking on since the harvest, so the total was actually a little higher than 512 grams, but not much.
Hello Everyone, In this video I show how to make cannabis butter utilizing a crockpot.Thank you for stopping by!Have a good day! -@futuremind
Hello Everyone, Right now I'm doing some late night Crack Mack trim work. Just one branch system tonight. The bud came out amazing and there is a lot packed on these branches.Going to keep it light on the text in this post because my fingers are covered in resin and I still have more trim work left to do tonight.
Hello Everyone, I'm a little late bringing the harvest post due to life being life and things getting in the way, but better late than never. At least I got this harvest done on time... Day seventy of the flowering cycle. Here she is:
Hello Everyone, We are now in the last seventy two hours of flowering, and Harvest time Harvey decided it was time for his pre-harvest inspection. Strain:Crack Mack Dominance:Sativa Nutrients used:MaxiBloom 5-15-14 FLUSHING Phenotype traits:Intense Fruity Aroma/Dank Undertone Lineage:Green Crack/Big Mack Superstar Current growing stage:Flowering Current plant age:67 Days-FLOWER Sex:Photoperiod/Auto recessive Location:Syracuse New York