It is inevitable that when I am visiting somewhere, I have the need to take pictures for the memory. In the LATAM CRYPTO FESTIVAL I have taken several pictures that you can see in my previous post but not having enough battery to continue with the shots, it's time to ask for pictures to be taken.
The 2 initial photos were taken at the Centro Comercial Cerro Verde during the LATAM CRYPTO FESTIVAL. Something I didn't mention in my previous posts, is that at the end of the mentioned event Darkfemme, Dayadam and I, took a walk around Plaza Venezuela since the transportation was leaving us there.
As we entered the Christmas season, we could see the square decorated with that theme, children singing, people dancing, others playing drums on one side, some stalls selling different products and even cosplays but we couldn't take pictures of them because we had to pay them and so on, my cell phone was discharged but I asked Darkfemme to at least take some pictures wher