Saludos mis queridos amigos de Gems, espero hayan tenido un excelente domingo. El día de hoy les comparto mi día, ciertamente hacian falta unos productos de la canasta básica en casa por esa razón salimos en busca de ellos. Fuimos a dos supermercados para aprovechar algunas ofertas.
Greetings my dear friends from Gems, I hope you had a great Sunday. Today I share my day with you, we certainly needed some products from the basic basket at home for that reason we went out in search of them. We went to two supermarkets to take advantage of some offers.
En el primero que visitamos regularmente las verduras, hortalizas y frutas son frescas y mas económicas, el pollo, huevos, otros productos estaban a buen precio por eso decidimos comprarlos ahí. Se nos hizo bastante tarde porque había muchisima gente y llevando carritos llenos. Al salir nos hicimos la pregunta de qué ibamos a comer; yo sugerí pan con jamón y queso pero después acordamos entre todos hacer unos perros calientes porque ya era tarde y no teniamos muchas ganas de cocinar.
In the first one that we visit regularly, the vegetables and fruits are fresh and cheaper, the chicken, eggs, and other products were at a good price, so we decided to buy them there. It was quite late for us because there were a lot of people and they were carrying full carts. When we left we asked ourselves what we were going to eat; I suggested bread with ham and cheese but then we all agreed to make some hot dogs because it was already late and we didn't really feel like cooking.
De pasada nos quedaba otro supermercado y compramos los ingredientes que nos hacían falta para los perros calientes como los panes, salchichas, papas, además de otros productos. Cancelamos y nos fuimos a casa para preparar los perros calientes.
In passing we had another supermarket left and we bought the ingredients we needed for the hot dogs such as buns, sausages, potatoes, as well as other products. We canceled and went home to prepare the hot dogs.
Al llegar a casa nos pusimos a trabajar, mi sobrina ralló la zanahoria, mi hermana corto la cebolla, la lechuga y mi cuñado estuvo a cargo de calentar los panes y cocinar las salchichas. Luego cada quien le agregó los ingredientes de su preferencia y consumimos acompañados de refresco bien frío. Todos quedamos satisfechos ya que siempre comer esta clase de comida hecha en casa es mucho mejor.
When we got home we got to work, my niece grated the carrot, my sister cut the onion and lettuce and my brother-in-law was in charge of heating the bread and cooking the sausages. Then everyone added the ingredients of their choice and we consumed it accompanied by a cold soda. We were all satisfied since eating this kind of homemade food is always much better.
Muchas gracias a todos los amigos de la comunidad por su valioso apoyo a mis publicaciones. Me despido hasta la próxima queridos amigos.
Thank you very much to all the friends in the community for your valuable support of my publications. I say goodbye until next time dear friends.