👀 #GooglyEyes 📷 Jimmy Bucket - Things With Eyes Vol.72


This is Jimmy,

and he's not amused at all tonight.
He wanted to retire from a calm and a quiet life.
A house with a picket fence, that could have been nice.
Any place with a wall would have been perfectly alright.
But now he's on the street, left in open air to dry.
He was kicked around in circles, he never knew why.
This was his story, I'm afraid he didn't survive.
Jimmy from the bucket, the bucket kept him alive.
Excuse me?!
The end of my life?

YOU have opened my eyes,
finally I'm free.
Now I can see the world,
and the world can see me.


I really struggled today with writing something for Jimmy here. I was stuck trying to include this dumb song to make the post compatible with the #mytunes project by @drakernoise. But after some futile attempts it dawned on me: I don't even like that song! Even the weirdest cover versions still sounded totally annoying. Why would I even want to share that just because the title kind of fits this post?! Nah... not my tune at all! But, if you can guess what the song was, I'll probably still send you some SBI! And if you can find an interesting or weird cover version, one that doesn't completely suck, I'll definitely do that, too!
Finally, I have a little PSA: Have you heard about #creativecoin, yet? It's another one of these SCOT-tribe-tokens that allows for stake-driven voting and additional rewards issued via the steem-engine sidechain, just like #palnet and all the others. Honestly, I'm myself already a bit overwhelmed with all these new tokens, but this one actually has me a little bit excited! If you enjoy curating and/or producing creative content on steem, you should definitely take a look, too: @creativecoin.

everything is better with #GooglyEyes

giving happy little accidents a second life

fraenk loves you!

You can win SBD, STEEM, PAL and SP-delegations by putting #GooglyEyes on things!
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