Always up for conversations over coffee, or perhaps wine ?
Hello! Here’s me writing yet another post from my grandmum’s home where my sole job is to eat 24*7. This is not an exaggeration. The lady forces food on me every 30 minutes and how do you say no to her ? 😅 Either way, given that it’s finally the weekend, I thought I’d get off my ass and cook for her (and the family), for a change.
Hey loves! I’m here at the end of another week and it seems like my professional + social calendar intends not to let me have a moment of rest. Irrespective of that, I have to say its another weekend that I have thoroughly enjoyed. Over the weekend, we celebrated my mum’s birthday on the 7th of May, followed by hearty celebrations on the occasion of Mother’s Day that lined up with my grandmums birthday . Well, as long as the celebrations have cake, I’m most definitely up for it. Here are a few pictures from the weekend:
Hey people! ❤️ How’s it been going? This week has truly been a fun one and I cannot wait to share it with you! So as y’all know I was struggling to cope with work as of last week. I have been raving and ranting about it to anyone that would listen and honestly? I think everyone was tired of me by the end of it. 😂
Hey guys! How’s it been going? Personally, my work life has been slightly crazy, and by slightly crazy I mean it’s been mental, off-the-rails, maddening kinda crazy. It goes without saying I’ve not had a whole lot of time to cook something for myself for most of the week. Ordering in became my survival and I would end up ordering the most ridiculously unhealthy stuff on the menu. So when I finally did get some time on my hands this week, I decided that my body deserved some nutrition and a whole lot of appreciation for what I put it through.
Hey guys! Hoping all of y’all had a great Easter celebration. As for me, I had an insanely hectic one and my feet are currently killing me!! 😓 But I got to spend the holiday with my family and for that, I’m going to count my blessings instead. Visiting my parents was not a part of this month’s plan and I had to rush here due to a minor medical situation. I spent a whole week being extremely mad at how this threw a wrench in my plans for the month. But between cooking sessions with my mum and grocery shopping with my dad (and a vacation from doing boring chores like laundry), I’ve realized this is the happiest I have felt in a while. Staying in a different city than your parents could be liberating but it also makes you so nostalgic for all the sweet memories, the little joys of life. 🥰
Hey guys! So stoked to be putting out one of my favorite recipes here making it the very first recipe post of mine on the platform ❤️ This here is a true comfort food and with minimal ingredients, this is my go-to meal when I do not have the time to prep my ingredients. It’s a solid option to add to your rotational weeknight dinners, especially for people with hectic schedules. When you truly cannot afford to spend time cutting or chopping a whole bunch of veggies, or if you simply do not have the time to put together multiple dishes, try this one and you won’t be disappointed.