Patroclo was missing, and it is not a meme[EN]//[ES]

Some time ago we lost Esperanza, yes, we lost Esperancita a couple of years ago, she was missing for a whole week, and we were like crazy looking all over the neighborhood and she was always in the house next door, which is unoccupied, well this time it was Patroclo's turn, a couple of days after my last publication here, the crazy cat started to climb on top of the fridge and the kitchen cabinets, so my brother scolded and punished her, taking her out to the yard one night, the next day when we were calling her to eat, she did not appear, something quite rare, because when they call each other to eat, they all run out in a herd, all that day Patroclo was missing, immediately we began to look for her all over the neighborhood, we sent photos to the neighbors in case they saw her.

The problem with Patroclo, is that, like Esperancita, and in general the rest of our herd, they are not cats that are used to go out in the street, so, it is very easy for them to get lost, Patroclo unlike Esperancita, did not stay in the empty house next door, she started to walk around the neighbors' yards, so every day a different neighbor came to tell us that he had seen her, he had fed her, but she had gone to another place, and the thing is that, Patroclo only lets herself be caught by my brother, so, we knew that nobody could steal her, I had fed her, but she had gone to another place, and the fact is that Patroclo only let my brother grab her, so we knew that nobody could steal her, the concern we had was that she had recently been sterilized, and in those days we had to take her to remove the stitches and see how she was recovering.

My brother and I, we already looked like the weeping woman, calling her children, we went out to walk around the neighborhood 3 and 4 times a day, to shout her name to see if she would appear when she heard us, the fifth day, we went out at midnight applying the same technique, we returned home already a little desperate and went to sleep, the next day at 6:00 am, the neighbor called us to tell us that Patroclo was in another neighbor's house, a couple of houses from ours: 00 am, our neighbor called us to tell us that Patroclo was in another neighbor's house, a couple of houses away from ours, my brother ran out to look for her and luckily, that day he arrived on time and managed to bring her home, for several days she did not want to leave my brother, when he went out, she would stay crying, and when he arrived, she would run out and rub herself on his legs, it was a really adorable scene. I just hope she didn't feel like leaving again.

Many times we take for granted the sense of orientation of cats, and the truth is that when they are raised at home, that sense is not developed in them, probably Patroclus was disoriented all those days, thanks to the people who fed and watered her when they saw her, they have given me back a little faith in humanity.
That's how we were when we realized that Patroclo was not here

Images of my property, taken with the camera of my Redmi Note 9S without editing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions, please leave them in the comment box, and remember, you too can make magic in the kitchen and wherever you go!




Hace un tiempo perdimos la Esperanza, sí, perdimos a Esperancita hace un par de años, estuvo desaparecida toda una semana, y nosotros como locos buscando por todo el barrio y siempre estuvo en la casa de al lado, que está desocupada, pues esta vez le tocó el turno a Patroclo, un par de días después de mi última publicación por aquí, la gata loca se comenzó a subir encima de la nevera y de los gabinetes de la cocina, por lo que mi hermano la regaño y castigo, sacándola al patio una noche, pues al día siguiente cuando la estuvimos llamando para que comiera, no apareció, algo bastante raro, pues cuando se llaman a comer, salen todos corriendo en manada, todo ese día falto Patroclo, de inmediato comenzamos a buscarla por todo el barrio, enviamos fotos a los vecinos por si la llegaban a ver.

El problema con Patroclo, es que, al igual que Esperancita, y en general el resto de nuestra manada, no son gatos que están acostumbrados a salir a la calle, por lo que, es muy fácil que se pierdan, Patroclo a diferencia de Esperancita, no se quedó en la casa vacía de al lado, comenzó a caminar por los patios de los vecinos, por lo que cada día nos venía a decir un vecino diferente que la había visto, le había dado de comer, pero se había ido rumbo a otro lugar, y es que, Patroclo solo se deja agarrar por mi hermano, entonces, sabíamos que nadie se la podía robar, la preocupación que teníamos era que, ella recientemente había sido esterilizada, y en esos días había que llevarla a retirarle los puntos y ver cómo iba su recuperación.

Mi hermano y yo, ya parecíamos la llorona, llamando a sus hijos, salíamos a caminar por el barrio 3 y 4 veces al día, para gritar su nombre a ver si así aparecía al escucharnos, el quinto día, salimos a la medianoche aplicando la misma técnica, regresamos a casa ya un poco desesperanzada y nos fuimos a dormir, al día siguiente a las 6:00 am, nos llamó la vecina para decirnos que Patroclo, estaba en la casa de otro vecino, a un par de casas de la nuestra, mi hermano salió corriendo a buscarla y por suerte, ese día llego a tiempo y logro traerla a casa, durante varios días no se quería despegar de mi hermano, cuando él salía, ella se quedaba llorando, y cuando llegaba, salía corriendo a restregarse en sus piernas, era una escena realmente adorable. Solo espero que no le hayan quedado ganas de irse de nuevo.

Muchas veces damos por sentado el sentido de orientación de los gatos, y la verdad es que, cuando son criados en casa, ese sentido no se desarrolla en ellos, probablemente Patroclo estuvo desorientada todos esos días, gracias a las personas que le dieron de comer y beber cuando la veían, me han devuelto un poco la fe en la humanidad.
Así quedamos cuando nos dimos cuenta de que no estaba Patroclo

Imágenes de mi propiedad, tomadas con la cámara de mi Redmi Note 9S sin edición
Created by @derangedvisions
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