I have been a believer of Continuous Process Improvement for many years. I have learned many best practices, methods and techniques to boost quality and returns from various service deliverables. TooFuckeh is a problem solving token use case. Today, I introduce two new tokens with their own unique use case to boost returns for TooFuckeh token holders.
Before I speak of BSI and QuBit, let me say that currently TooFuckeh has been used to fund project activities and deliver capital appreciation to token holders. The nature and use of this token means that prices will fluctuate based on the success and result of a process improvement initiative. Token holders need the opportunity to sell for a profit or unload based on their own needs. To help address some of this selling pressure, I came up with an idea to give reason to hold the token during period of growth towards a target price. For example, our current goal is to see our problem solving token trading higher than a LEO token. As our price gets closer to our target that creates selling pressure which makes it harder to reach our target sooner. So now lets take a closer look at two token boosters.
Bull Shit Index - BSI
Our world is more chaotic than ever and there is no reason to think it will not get more chaotic for at least the short term. Never in my life did I consider that USA would declare an economic war against Canada and other nations that refuse to bend the knee. It is sickening, TooFuckeh stupid and unwarranted. The other day, we learned how Larry Fink, the long time buddy of Trump decided to support Trump's WW3 Economic War by buying 2 shipping ports from Li Ka-shing so USA could control strategic supply line via Panama canal. I have been an active investor and market follower since 1980 so I am well aware of these two business magnate and investors. My particular interest is the economic impact of similar behaviour from Fink and Trump when it comes to making money at all cost. Bully, lie, cheat and steal comes to mind. We are at the height of extreme corruption where bad apples, ie con artist receive deep respect as an influencer. Elon Mush would be included here.
My objective is not about beating or destroying anyone but to adopt a Learn Before You Earn philosophy. How can I make the best of a bad situation that is unfolding and how can I help others to change in a more positive way. The BS Index will evolve from taking a closer look at the impact on mega investment funds like Blackrock, a multinational investment management corporation and other significant mega players aligned with Trump predatory expansion of USA being #1 at all cost.
Currently you can buy BSI at 1.0 Hive. This is the initial fund raising phase. More information will be published as I evolve a strategy that adds value to our problem solving token based on extreme and chaotic behaviour in the global marketplace.
BTW, the 150,042,269 maximum token limit is the same as the outstanding number of shares for Blackrock in March 2025.
https://tribaldex.com/trade/BSIQuantum Information Processing Unit of Return - QUBIT
While learning more about Quantum Mechanic and Information Theory, I needed a measure that would represent inherent value from unknowns, unexpected event and phenomenon within a defined system. Sometimes you expect things to unfold a certain way and what actually happens seems totally disconnected from reality.
Qubit (or quantum bit) is the basic unit of information in quantum computing. On Hive, a Qubit token is used to determine the amount of inherent value from implementing a process improvement initiative. The number of Qubit a holder has will determine the amount of passive income transferred to our problem solving token holders.
Currently, you can buy QuBit at 1.0 Hive. This is the initial fund raising phase. More information will be published as I calculate the Hive Book Values for this booster token. The goal will be to deliver sufficient passive income for TooFuckeh holders so they hold the token longer while approaching a TooFuckeh target price.
TooFuckeh Leo Challenge
A LEO token is currently trading at 0.05614163 Hive and TooFuckeh is trading at 0.03300000 Hive. That means, TooFuckeh needs to come up by about 70% or Leo needs to come down about 41%.
Okay, that is enough for now so please do not hesitate to ask questions or provide some feedback on this TooFuckeh Booster tokens use case.
May Positive
pepEntropy be with you.