! [English version ]
Yes, envy is a feeling that has been difficult for me to identify. Had it not been for the attentive observations of other people, listening to comments, and interpreting gestural expressions about what was going on around me, I doubt very much that I would have come to perceive it on my own. I recall a little dialogue:
Interlocutor: You are so calm. If you knew what I have been told about you...
Me: Normally, maybe it's something bad. But people can make up stories. You can tell me.
Interlocutor: They envy you for the way you behave. They don't like it, they think it's unprofessional and they think you're just there and you don't care about what you do. But you take it easy.
Me: So that's what it's all about. See, if you didn't tell me, I never would have noticed. I just focus too much on what I have to do and ignore what's going on around me. I just strive to do a good job and that's it. Anything that distracts me, I ignore it completely.
Interlocutor: Take it easy, kid. I know that's the way it is. We already know that...
! [English version ]
At that time, I had to carry out a work composed of different teams and one of the tasks was to write in a very hurried and error-free manner. Fortunately, I have developed the habit of typing without looking at the keyboard and using
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHubl0I2gAgthat consist of creating an accelerated thought process under specific conditions, and I recognize that, on many occasions, I can outperform the average performance as a result of these skills. I am very agile with the keyboard and have the ability to generate, immediately, argumentative, responses without hesitation. Given these skills, I used to cause “discomfort” to the people I had to work with constantly.
On many, many occasions, I found it easy to write to the point of adopting a relaxed position at the desk, as if I were lying on a bed. “How unprofessional that guy, just sitting there like that.” But the situation changed when one of the people responsible for supervising us demanded detailed performance reports. Well, it turned out that my performance was equivalent to that of 6 people doing the same job, and the results of everything I had written were excellent. Since I felt so comfortable, I took the time to draw up statistics that were the responsibility of another team, something that no one else had thought of.
Because of my excellent performance, our team leader took measures to make the others faster and improve in various aspects, but he used me as a role model! My only concern was to finish all my tasks as soon as possible and to have enough free time for leisure. In that job, it was not my interest to be a role model. But I remember that the person in charge was insistent and wanted me to help others, but honestly, I was not interested in doing it and I had my reasons.
! [English version]
What you have asked me to do in the first place is a difficult process. These people will not be able, in less than a week, to do it the way I do it. In addition, they are asking for information that should have been completed a long time ago. Time is very limited. Pressuring and forcing me to get others to improve in such a short period will be a futile effort. “ * ”And, sadly, my predictions are not as good as my predictions.
And, unfortunately, my predictions came true: after three days, when I had barely entered the work site, everything was immediately suspended because final reports and accountabilities, etc. were due.
The envy stemmed from the fact that I performed my tasks in a calm, quick manner and without showing any apparent difficulty. The truth is that, on many occasions, I got bored quickly, but since I was able to develop a mechanical behavior, I managed to tolerate the working conditions for a considerable time. All in all, it was one of those rare opportunities in my life where I was able to demonstrate what I am capable of excelling at without having to deal with constant pressures. At first, I didn't realize that the people around me felt envy, it's just that the difficulty of witnessing it is my shortcoming: I think I need to have someone by my side who is attentive enough to point out the signs of envy, because me, I focus so intensely on what I do that any event or situation that can distract me or affect me negatively, I ignore it completely.
My approaches are basic and straightforward: If you need me to move fast and deliver results ahead of time or you prefer a good quality work, you should not bother unnecessarily, if it does not represent the ideal conditions you expected, I can choose to leave.
**“He's leaving and he didn't say goodbye. He's leaving that guy who thinks he's a big deal...**”