! [English version ]In what way? I get deeply involved and internalized in my books and thoughts. This tendency, in itself, is not bad; I find it inappropriate to establish absolute moral categories in this regard. When it has been suggested to me that I should avoid isolating myself, in the sense of what I have mentioned, it is because they feel that I should be more sociable and connect with the present moment. But connecting with the present moment has been difficult for me, either because I do not find stimuli interesting, or because it has arisen in environments where reading books or sharing long lines of thought is not a common practice. I have been forced to assume an actor's role, to express and fit into the expectation of “being more sociable and connecting with the moment”. The problem is this: I am a person who enjoys spending more time alone, tending to my interests. Isolate
! [English version ]“What do you do?” ”What are you up to?” I would answer them “I simply breathe and exist”. I am always witty or blunt with my answers. It is not that I flatly refuse to respond in a more detailed or polite way, but sometimes I am immersed in subjects that require “patience, affection and understanding” to explain adequately, but the people around me do not usually have the time to do so.In that case, I feel it would be foolish of me to try to formulate detailed explanations. I would prefer to express something more common and easily understandable: “I saw a movie” or “I heard a song”. So I prefer to express blunt answers or share more superficial details. Do not give reasoned answers
! [English version]It is the one with the most weight. Well, some topics can be approached from different points of view, but I tend to be rigorous with my approach. So, to simplify the interaction, I simply decide on certain aspects and contain my penchant for rigor. It happens to me frequently on political, religious, cultural, and technological issues. But, the “can't talk to you” statement, is mainly due to two factors: the tendency of other people to want to be right and the expectation that the person feels they have convinced me. There are some situations where it is not complicated to give in, I can simply give them the reason so that they feel they have achieved something in the conversation. Some people have realized this and have expressed it to me: “We can't do it with you” and they consider that attitude a mockery on my part. But actually, I have found that people also change their opinions or ideas as they experience different circumstances in their lives, it has been evident to me with people who held very radical positions for years, but then changed and are now more flexible with their thoughts. You can't talk to you
! [English version]This is a statement that is incomprehensible to me. The truth is that yes, I am observant: what I perceive and then filter with my thoughts, is not intrinsically evil or malevolent, despite what some people have attributed to my observant quality an equivalence of criminal, cold, and calculating mentality. But no, the fact that I am naturally prone to have a more attentive and discerning view of what I perceive has allowed me to understand various aspects of reality that I have found valuable. Generally, many of my observations I keep to myself, rarely expressing them at the right time or piling them up in my drafts. Be careful with you, you are very observant
Podemos cambiar incluso en los escenarios más adversos
! [English version]
Throughout my life, I have had to assume the role of actor to avoid unnecessary conflicts or to generate, within an acceptable scale, socially positive impressions on a temporary basis. I would say that role has been a constant throughout much of my life. But I'm pretty sure I've met other people who have managed to understand very well what I'm sharing at the moment in the @holos-lotus community, in the framework of the initiative proposed by @damarysvibra. I feel good to have the opportunity to express it and thank those people for understanding, without judging, my personal traits that other people have found unpleasant. I value very much the ability to see beyond superficial differences.We can change even in the most adverse scenarios