! [English version ]
Some people have a predetermined way of expressing themselves. I don't know if you have ever had the opportunity to notice it, but if this is not your case, this publication will present you with that opportunity. And this ties in with my most recent experiences. These days I have been continuously moving from one place to another and on several occasions, unexpectedly, I crossed paths with several friends in the urban bustle. In several of these chance encounters, I have been able to identify the following forms of talk:
! [English version ]Yes, I believe that the first experiences in this sense come from our parents. Later, as we establish social ties outside the home, with friends and teachers, we encounter this form of communication. In my childhood, I grew up in a disciplinary school environment; strict and normative. I don't know if you had a similar experience. But, family and school experiences aside, we have our friends. In my case, I have noticed that some friends seek to scold me for the smallest detail, under the pretext of correcting or proving wrongs insistently. Note that they first need to feel confident or have certainty, then they start to scold, but when it is a stranger, they behave like good listeners. I have been scolded on a few occasions, but not so much for being wrong, but for not being attentive to the cell phone acquiring specific information or information of interest to them. People who speak with the intent to scold
! [English version]I was sitting in a place, and while waiting, it occurred to me to talk with the people who were present, I tried to talk about various topics, but they were not of their interest. But, when I talked about situations that were lacking or that should be present in our lives, they began to complain and develop topics of conversation without any connection. The point is that there are people who may complain a lot about their own life or whatever happens around them, but the ability to get out of that state becomes as difficult as trying to drive a train without rails and prevents them from improving, from overcoming the situations they are constantly complaining about. The truth is that the complaining way of speaking has the potential to become a habit, a default way of speaking. People who speak with the intent to complain
! [English version]What will happen, what do they think, what can I do? Or what will they say? @iriswrite [initiative](https://peakd.com/hive-131951/@iriswrite/que-hacer-con-el-que). Yes, some people tend to worry excessively about future situations over events that may never happen. But this is more likely to happen when it's related to a situation that you don't feel prepared for or have yet to master and may be too complicated to handle. This doesn't mean that worrying is bad in itself; for example, it's normal not to want to look bad in front of someone you're attracted to. But constantly thinking about the future and situations you want to change, in addition to leading to a specific way of communicating, generates unnecessary discomfort: anxiety. People who speak with the intention of conveying concerns
! [English version]Yes, I have friends who try to impress me: “I bought this cell phone”, “I spent the whole weekend in a fancy place”, or “I'm having an amazing life”... But when I tell them something about myself, the importance they attach to it is brief. They seek to speak in a way that always puts them in the spotlight or they may even lie to impress. I don't deny the possibility of someone having an active life and wanting to share their accomplishments, but doing so on an ongoing basis can become an obsession, especially if that person feels that their life is not as impressive as it appears. People who try to talk to impress
Revisa tu forma de hablar, quizás encuentres oportunidades de mejora o de conectar
! [English version]I tend to be very synthetic. You can talk about many things at once and my answers will tend to offer a definitive conclusion to what you have communicated or, failing that, I will present my ideas concisely. I met a friend who tried to talk about what is happening in the world at the political level, after almost an hour, I synthesized all his ideas and he replied that he was correct. “Yes, but that was all you had to say in the first place”. My way of speaking
Review the way you speak, you may find opportunities to improve or connect