Hello Memearmy!!
If #MemeArmy didn't smile play better next time.
Check out new rules!!
Since we created Memechallenge Community only entries that are posted in the community with hashtag
#memechallenge will be considered in challenge.


@jesusbds |
@ddn688 |
@gabrielrr17 |

First place

Second place

Third place

For this challenge you have to make a meme of this photo:

6 HIVE |
3 HIVE |
2 HIVE |
**New donations**:
No new donations

- Entry must be posted in Memechallenge Community (https://hive.blog/trending/hive-177075)
- Title of every entry must contain "Meme challenge # - Entry #"
- Entry must have #memechallenge hashtag
- Your meme must contain text
- You can add/remove something from the original photo but again photo without text isn't a meme
- End of challenge will be on Sunday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge

How to support challenge:
- Upvote this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you have some extra money donate it to make new challenge possible

Big thanks to people who donated for #memechallenge :
@blocktrades, @blocktrades , @blocktrades-pepper , @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades-future , @blocktrades , @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades-knee, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades-karma, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades-of-satire, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades, @blocktrades,@blocktrades

Check out my #HIVE blog for more funny #challenges. You can find weekly #Photobomb Challenge and occasional Face The Challenge