Just immediately after the lecture was over, I walked Mr. Babaita out of the class to his black jeep to discuss the assignment he wanted to give to my class. This is one of my jobs as the class representative of the public administration department.
"So, make sure you give them that assignment and let them know they are to submit it with their handout. Anyone who refuses to buy my book shouldn't submit their assignment, do you understand?" Mr. Babaita said as he searched through his bag for his car key.
"Okay, sir," I said, then walked back to the class.
On getting back to the class, I saw my P.A. arguing with another course mate. From a distance I could hear her because she was shouting at the top of her voice.
Ajoke is the person I chose to be my P.A., who assists me in my duty as the class rep. She has a lot of action, and she was also kind.
"I said you won't go anywhere unless you bring that material out of your bag, or did you think I did not see you when you sneaked the book into your bag? I had 12 handouts on this table and now it's 11." She said with a very angry face.
I increased my step so I could understand what was going on.
"What's happening here?" I asked as I arrived.
"This guy tried to steal a book!" Ajoke pointed at him.

I turned to him with a shocking look on my face; it was so bold of him to try to steal from the class rep.
The accused, a lanky guy named Tunde, shook his head furiously. "It's a lie! I didn’t take anything! Why would I steal a book"?

I have always known Tunde for pokenosing in places they don't call him, and the way he moves sometimes is always suspicious; he is always looking around when he walks.
"Then open your bag," I said firmly.
He hesitated. "I don’t have to prove anything to you. This is ridiculous. I didn’t take any book!"
By now, other course mates had started gathering. The murmurs began, and soon, voices rose in demand.
"Open your bag!" That was the voice of Vincent, one of the toughest guys in class who takes no bull from anyone.
"If you’re innocent, why are you refusing?" Amoke said softly, trying not to draw attention to herself.
"You better open it before we make you!" came from another person.
Tunde clutched his bag tighter, his forehead slick with sweat. "You people don’t understand," he said, his voice almost desperate. "I have... I have something in my bag that no one should see."
Ajoke folded her arms and scoffed. "That’s a load of balderdash."

"We’re waiting, Tunde," I said, stepping closer. "Or do you need help opening it?"
The crowd was not having it. Some guys had already moved closer, and the tension thickened. Someone grabbed his shoulder, and Tunde jerked away, his breathing strong like someone who was ready to make away with something that wasn't his.
"Don’t touch me!" he shouted, his voice cracking. "Fine! I’ll open it!"
With shaky hands, he unzipped his bag. As soon as he did, the missing handout lay right on top of his other books. The class erupted in a mixture of shock and laughter.
"So, this is the charm you were talking about?" Someone makes a jest.
"Oga, you’re not even a good liar," Vincent said, looking right at him, then slapped him.
"You wanted to make us believe you had jazz inside? Abeg, shift!" Vincent was moving closer to Tunde again, so I had to step in to stop him.
Ajoke grabbed the book and waved it in his face. "Next time, if you want something, ask for it. Don’t steal!"
Tunde's eyes moved around frantically. "I-I don’t know how it got there... Someone must have put it in my bag!" He stammered, but no one was buying it.

I shook my head and sighed. "You should be grateful we didn't report you to Mr. Babaita. Next time, think before you act. Move out of this place before things get ugly.
Ajoke shot him one last glare before turning away. "Honestly, some people have no shame."
Tunde walked away quietly, his head lowered. I turned to Ajoke and started praising her for her sharp wit.
"What would I do without you, ehnn, my dear Ajoke? How would I explain the missing handout? I said to her, as she continued to smile uncontrollably and asked me to stop.

Since that day, Tunde's reputation was never the same again. And from that day, no one ever left their bags unsupervised whenever he was around.
The End.
Thanks for reading. My name is Fashtioluwa.