Navigating the Maze of Discipline: A Parent's Guide to Guiding Unique Souls

Whenever we start talking about children, we must be careful because everyone is born different. People are born with different traits, so when those two people come together to produce another human being (a child), then the child will be an embodiment of two people carrying two characters. The amazing part is that some of those traits or characteristics can be from their grandparents, which the parents have no idea about and this is why training up children is a very important and difficult job.

One child shouldn't be compared to another and what works for child A might not even work for child B, especially when they grow up in different environments.
In today's blog, we will be talking about Discipline
What methods of discipline are okay to use on children? How to go about disciplining children? Then, how to go about making sure that they don't attempt to go back to their wrong way. Please share with us.
When it comes to disciplining children, it's important to be consistent, fair, and firm. Discipline should be a means of teaching and correcting behavior rather than simply punishing. Using positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards for good behavior, can be just as effective as consequences for negative behavior. You don't always throw out punishment to them when they do something wrong; you need to appreciate their effort in training to be a good child with praise and reward, and then when the child misbehaves, the same method can be used for disciplining them.
Like I said at the beginning of this blog, different discipline methods for different children. It is normal for Africans, especially in my country (Nigeria) for parents to use what is called "Iron Hand" on their children. Now listen, not all the time the Iron Hand method works but it has proven effective over time. There are times when the Iron Hand method is to be used on a child and that is when the child is still very little and fears their parent.

Some important training, a code of conduct, how to act, and so many more can be passed to the child, and sohabitsd habits can be corrected on time. And there is a certain age when the iron hand stops working, especially when the child has reached the teenage age.
But the journey doesn't end with discipline; ensuring that children don't revert to their old ways requires ongoing support and guidance. Open communication, active listening, and setting a good example are key components of helping children stay on the right path. You can't keep telling your child not to use curse words but you use them always. How will such a child learn?
Raising children is a challenging yet rewarding journey, filled with twists and turns that test our patience and resilience. That doesn't mean it is impossible to raise a child; by approaching discipline with emapathy, understanding, and a willingness to adapt to each child's unique needs, we can help shape them into responsible, compassionate individuals who can be presented to the society at large.
Thanks for reading.
My name is Fashtioluwa.
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