El gato de la libreria 🐈 The bookstore cat 😼


La vieja librería al final de la calle había estado cerrada durante años, hasta hoy…

Marta, una anciana curiosa miro el letrero sucio de la librería, le llamo la atencion por que había escuchado historias sobre un gato que estaba abandonado y queria rescatarlo, empujo la puerta y entro.
Adentro, un gato negro con ojos amarillos la miró fijamente desde el mostrador, “Qué raro es” pensó, “me lo voy a llevar”.
El gato maulló y salta hacia una escalera . Marta lo sigue..
En el último piso, encontró un libro que brillaba con luces misteriosas. Cuando se acerco a buscar el gato : el libro parecía moverse y sombras de gatos con ojos amarillos estaban en las paredes.
Corrió, Intentó salir, pero la puerta estaba bloqueada por el gato que sonreía como si supiera algo...
Marta nunca volvió a casa. Ahora, el gato espera una próxima visita.

English Version- version en Ingles

The bookstore cat 😼

! [English Version] .
😼 The old bookstore at the end of the street had been closed for years, until today... 😼 Marta, a curious elderly woman, looked at the dirty sign of the bookstore. It caught her attention because she had heard stories about an abandoned cat and wanted to rescue it. She pushed the door open and stepped inside. 😼Inside, a black cat with yellow eyes stared at her from the counter. “*How strange,” she thought, “I’m going to take him with me.*”😼 The cat meowed and jumped toward a staircase. Marta followed it. 😼On the top floor, she found a book that glowed with a mysterious light. When she got closer to look for the cat, the book seemed to move, and shadows of cats with yellow eyes appeared on the walls. 😼She ran, trying to escape, but the door was blocked by the cat, who smiled as if it knew something...😼Marta never returned home. Now, the cat waits for the next visitor.

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[Writing Contest] Finish the Tale. Story #2

by @ecency-star

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The images were generated in Seaart AI and edited in Photoshop.
Las imágenes fueron generadas en Seaart AI y editadas en Photoshop.
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