In the heart of the Earth Splinter, where the arcane meets resilience, stands the Ujurak Mystic—a defensive spellcaster with surprising speed and utility. At just 4 mana, this Common card offers a blend of magic power, durability, and team support, making it a valuable pick in certain strategies. But how does it hold up in battle? Let’s dive in!
Stats at Max Level 10
- 1 Magic Damage
- 6 Speed
- 4 Armor
- 5 Health
- Lookout – Reduces damage taken by adjacent allies from Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity attacks, giving the team a crucial defensive edge.
- Void Armor – Absorbs magic attacks with armor, making it significantly more durable against spellcasters.
Battle Utility
Ujurak Mystic is a low-cost support unit that shines in magic-heavy matchups and protecting key backline allies. Its Void Armor makes it sturdier than most magic users, allowing it to soak up magic attacks before its health is affected. Additionally, Lookout plays a critical role in reducing chip damage on nearby allies, making it a defensive staple when positioning is key.
Best Synergies
- Tanky Frontline Units – Pairing Ujurak Mystic with high-health or armored tanks enhances its team durability.
- Magic-Based Teams – Since Void Armor protects against spellcasters, it’s a great counter against mirror matchups where magic damage is dominant.
- Flank Protectors – Lookout ensures your damage dealers survive longer, making it useful alongside Glass Cannon units.
Final Thoughts
Ujurak Mystic may not be the hardest hitter, but it makes up for it with utility, speed, and survivability. If you need a fast support unit that shields teammates from ambushes and absorbs magic attacks, this mystic protector is a great addition to your Earth lineup.
Would you field Ujurak Mystic in your battles? Share your thoughts below!