Hello, today I bring you some photos that I took of some friends one day when we went to the coast, we went to clear our heads and “go for a walk” as we Cubans say, I took advantage and took out the camera. As always, I show them to you in black and white as part of the #monomad initiative. Greetings
Spanish version
Hola, hoy les traigo unas fotos que hice a unos amigos un día que fuimos a la costa, fuimos a despejar y “dar una vuelta” como decimos los cubanos, aproveché y saqué la cámara. Como siempre se las muestro en blanco y negro como parte de la iniciativa #monomad. Saludos
The photos are my own and taken with a Canon t3 + 50 mm f1.8 lens
Spanish version
Las fotos son de mi autoria y tomadas con una Canon t3 + lente 50 mm f1.8