Me gustan las películas donde Kirstie Alley es protagonista, creo que me garantiza que la disfrutaré mucho por la naturalidad de ella al actuar.
Esta película empieza con la captación de jovencitas para un concurso de belleza, donde les hacen crees que el concurso es un programa de becas, donde pueden tener beneficios de todo tipo. Kirstie Alley representa a Gladys la directora del certamen de belleza, no puedo evitar ver sus características principales en todas sus actuaciones que el sarcasmo es arte de ella, por lo que cuesta ver si lo que dice es real o es en sentido figurado, es algo sobre actuada, esta es la parte que me gusta mas. Disfruto mucho de sus gestos faciales y corporales, son divertidos.
Gladys está acompañada de mujeres adultas mayores, solteronas y mientras narran la película, es como si estuvieran grabando un vídeo de presentación, a modo de entrevista una película dentro de la propia película.
La intención es "recular" excelentes candidatas, modelos adolescentes con talentos de la universidad, así como jurados.
Quise verla por el elenco de actrices, está Kirsten Dunst (Amber) quien maquilla difuntos y baila tap como hobbie y Denise Richards quien interpreta a Rebecca... ¡Wow! Estaba muy segura que me iba a reír mucho, después de pasar tantas horas sin servicio eléctrico, prefiero reírme para mejorar mi estado de ánimo.
Si eres fan de la fallecida actriz Brittany Murphy (Lisa) déjame decirte que la puedes ver en esta película y tiene un buen semblante, se ve bella, su papel es algo asi como la boba de la tribu, es decir, se hace la tonta.
! [English version]
I like movies where Kirstie Alley stars, I think I'm guaranteed to enjoy it a lot because of her natural acting.
This movie starts with the recruitment of young girls for a beauty pageant, where they are made to believe that the pageant is a scholarship program, where they can have benefits of all kinds. Kirstie Alley plays Gladys the director of the beauty pageant, I can't help but see her main characteristics in all her performances that sarcasm is her art, so it's hard to see if what she says is real or figurative, it's a little over acted, this is the part I like the most. I really enjoy her facial and body gestures, they are funny.
Gladys is accompanied by older women, spinsters and while they narrate the film, it is as if they were recording a video presentation, like an interview, a film within the film itself.
The intention is to “recur” excellent candidates, teenage models with college talent, as well as jurors.
I wanted to see it because of the cast of actresses, there is Kirsten Dunst (Amber) who does makeup for the deceased and tap dances as a hobby and Denise Richards who plays Rebecca.... Wow! I was pretty sure I was going to laugh a lot, after spending so many hours without electrical service, I prefer to laugh to improve my mood.
If you are a fan of the late actress Brittany Murphy (Lisa) let me tell you that you can see her in this movie and she has a good countenance, she looks beautiful, her role is kind of like the goofball of the tribe, I mean she plays dumb.
Además de "reclutar" jóvenes adolescentes para el concurso, Gladys también estaba reclutando jurado.
Si te gusta el humor negro, esta película es para ti. Ver las personalidades de cada adolescente es como una montaña rusa de emociones y hechos, aun en el minuto 15 siguen en la grabación para captar concursantes y el jurado que con tantas cosas locas lo más garantizado aquí es el desastre.
Una de las participantes muere de forma trágica durante el rodaje, allí haciendo referencia al titulo de la película: "Muérete bonita" al menos eso creí.
A tres días del concurso, las adolescentes reciben algo de capacitación, modales, cómo sentarse, modales que a la hora de la presentación, tras cámaras se les olvida y ocurren riñas y saboteos entre unas a otras para que no sean ganadoras.
! [English version]
Unfortunately it was not the case of Hurrem played by actress Meryem Uzerli who was also going through a strong personal, mental and emotional crisis that led to a noticeable deterioration in her health, while I as a viewer applauded the realism with which we saw the fatigue and exhaustion of suffering so many hardships, Hurrem stole the whole show of the series, because it is a very strong character, Meryem Uzerli was replaced by actress Vahide Perçin showing a somewhat older Hurrem Sultana.
The Turkish series had a total of 4 seasons with 139 episodes, it started airing in the year 2011 and culminated in the year 2014. During the series we see at the beginning very young characters of themselves as they really are (I'm talking about the actors) and at the end all the hustle and bustle they lived during the filming made them look old and quite faded.
For me this series was impressive, not only because of the millionaire production, the costumes and the characterization of the characters where each actor was great in his role, but I love universal history and knowing that they narrated part of the history of the Ottoman Empire attracted me too much.
Real life facts that when a character suffered, I could not hold back the tears, because I know that the reality was even more heartbreaking.
Organizar un evento con poca preparación de las chicas no es buena idea, al final nadie estaba bien preparado para nada. Sin embargo las hicieron lucir bonitas y coquetas.
La falta de preparación hasta del escenario genera situaciones jocosas. Me parece más bien que esta película es un sarcasmo a los certámenes de belleza que todos conocemos. Pues la ganadora del concurso es la misma hija de quien la organiza... Es todo un sarcasmo, muy propio de las películas donde actúa:
La parte trágica de la historia es en el desfile de presentación de la reina, donde hubo un terrible accidente. Te sorprenderás con la mente perversa de la organizadora... Lógico al morir la reina de belleza, fue reemplazada por otra... Según el slogan de la película es "ser reina a toda costa o morir en el intento".
Para la ganadora se dio cuenta que todo lo prometido era estafa, nada de lo acordado fue real, no haré spoiler porque debes saber por qué pasó todo.
Podemos extraer algunas cualidades negativas que debemos evitar: envidia y vanidad y me parece que es lo primero que tratan de resaltar por ser un documental mostrando la parte negativa de los certámenes de belleza, con mucho humor negro, donde el drama y la crueldad pueden ser camuflados rápidamente.
Es una película corta como para disfrutarla un domingo en familia.
! [English version]
There are things in history that seem to me so unfair and very strange but after understanding the workings of the empire I understood, I did not see logic to have a harem with so many concubines, to have so many children so that in the end one of them inherits and the rest was killed, to see the pain of each mother losing her children affected me too much because by that time, I had been taken away from mine and it was crushing, the depression was galloping.
Hurrem made more history than the sultan himself although he ruled in a very fair and prosperous way, he broke schemes and laws and established very good things for his people, while his favorite Hurrem whom he came to marry, showed to be a real ruler with an iron fist and faithful to her sultan.
The whole story is based on plots, on sleeping with one eye open and one eye closed because you don't know at what moment someone betrays you and ends up being executed. I even thought they executed people for breathing.
The battles are impressive in their scenes, really good and the music, all at the height of a millionaire production and the majestic costumes.
Speaking of Hurrem: During the scenes I could see the strength of the character, always with anger, screaming, facing like a lioness to anyone who took her against her, protecting her children from the attacks of the other concubines and I wondered a lot if that anger that showed and all that did not end up affecting the protagonist, when I advanced in the following seasons I got the unpleasant surprise that they changed the actress interpreter of Hurrem, because this was very different in character, then I investigated that Meryem Uzerli had resigned for health issues.
This series definitely you have to watch it, because from this one you can understand others, today I am watching the continuation of the legacy, with one of the grandsons of Suleiman to whom corresponded the power, however it happens again that the attention was focused more on one of his concubines as: Sultana Kosem that when I finished of course I will tell my experience.
I could not talk about Kosem without talking a little about the history of Suleiman, so here is my first review. I hope you like it.