My Introduction and Knowing SpendHBD


My Introduction and Knowing SpendHBD

My name is Moses Okon Tom, with the username, @enwang. I was born about 40 years ago in Enwang, a riverine community in Mbo Local Government Area, near Ibaka Deep Seaport in Oro Nation, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
I am a journalist, a blogger and SEO enthusiast, a content creator and social media influencer who is passionate about writing and living a simple life for the service of Almighty God and humanity in a digital world.
A graduate of Community Arts in the prestigious University of Uyo, Nigeria, I strong advocate of Thinking Globally but Acting Locally. Originally coined by the urban planner, Patrick Geddes, this phrase serves as a guiding principle to me in a bid to address global challenges with localised actions. One thing this philosophy has taught me is the need to integrate global insights with a nuanced understanding of local contexts and content.
This principle enables me to utilize digital technology to meet local needs, concerns and challenges, even solving family problems in a global village.
When I got married in 2017, I had no idea about HIVE Digital Technologies, little did I know that an innovative and pioneering technology company advancing sustainable blockchain had not only been born but would also grow into a global leader in digital asset mining.

Mixed Feelings about Crypto

When I first learned of HIVE I had mixed feelings about that platform - interesting and discouraging. I found it interesting because it finds expression in my journalism profession and passion for blogging and writing. Would it worth the passion? I wish its creativity was enough to endear to join the platform.
The discouraging aspect of it was because I mistook it for other social media platforms that full of ads and algorithms as well as uncertain future.
Again, I was sceptical about cryptocurrencies in general, apparently because they were thought to be scams.
I regretted not joining the platform then.

Getting to Know SpendHBD

And so when a friend of mine recently introduced me to SpendHBD, which he described as a wonderful initiative, that uses #distriator app, a non profit making app to shop/make purchase at a listed business outlet and make payment with HBD (hive backed dollar) I had no hesitation whatsoever to join the platform.
Its instant cashback of 20% - 40% and swift payment m with no hidden charged like the conventional fiat transfer, is a real incentive. It capacity to project the HIVE application to the real life situation is not only convincing but also appealing.

Here to Stay with You

Thanks friends for introducing me to this platform. I can now leverage on its simplicity and reliability, turning my passion for writing into investments.
But the key question is: Am I welcome here? If the answer is emphatic YES, how do HIVERS show their hospitality and generosity?
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