def me(): i = "Researcher and university professor, software developer, open source software lover, FIDE chess player, 'Eternal learner' | SteemSTEM Mentor"
White to play and winBlack has just played Nc5, a happy move, almost as if playing without worries. Well, letting your guard down is expensive. By the way, this position is based on a variation of a game between Spassky and Fischer, where the recently deceased former world champion won.
White to play and winWhite's position in this French Defense is winning. Black should have reacted correctly and instead ended passively. In fact, one could say that Nb4 is the first aggressive move they've attempted, but in fact, it unleashes White. Suggest some plausible ways to continue.
Black to play and winThis is an opps moment. Whites' optimism didn't pay off and it cost them dearly. What did they miss?Juegan negras y gananEste es un momento ups. El optimismo de los blancos no dio resultado y les salió caro. ¿Qué se les escapó?
White to play and winThis is a variation of a previously discussed game. Faced with the imminent threat of attacking the king, Black panicked and tried Qxc3, thinking that it actually gives him an advantage in the resulting unbalance. Is that true? How can White react?
White to play and winI played this game today where positional play dominated in a well known line of the Queen's Gambit Declined. I thought of two things during the game. One is Carlsen's observation that the bad thing about playing these lines is that almost any player can get an easy game simply by recognizing the common patterns and maneuvers of play. The other was a game of Stockfish vs. Texel played at TCEC where Stockfish was able to gain an advantage regardless and produce an instructive game. Its treatment with h3 and Bf4 I incorporated into my game, as a matter of fact.Well, at this point Black is already lost, but he had already gone off the rails with the moves Rec8?! and Qc7?! almost as if begging to be punished.
White to play and winMy opponent did not withstand the pressure of a typical London System attack and after his last move ...Ne8 has ended up lost. What should White do?Juegan blancas y gananMi rival no resistió la presión de un ataque típico del Sistema Londres y tras su última jugada ...Ce8 ha terminado perdido. ¿Qué deberían hacer las blancas?