Actifit Moderator, kitties, coffee, crypto, music and of course, my best friend-my husband!
Everson, Washington, USA
Happy St. Patrick’s Day everybody! ☘️ Did you find your pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow? ☘️🌈🍯🍀 Cyle did! He’s dreaming of gold pots full of catnip and gold coin to buy more catnip with!Grok has this to say about the history of St. Patrick’s Day:
The baby deer in the photo looks as if it’s asking, ‘who goes there?’ More on that in a minute. The day began at church albeit an hour later than usual as we were having a combined service instead of the usual two. There was a youth retreat up at Mt. Baker and in order to make it easier for everyone, the youth Sunday services would conclude about 30 minutes before ours did so that parents could pick their kids up easily.
It turned out to be a super rainy day here in my neck of the woods! Our morning began with a trip to the Lynden Fairgrounds to pick up the trees I ordered back on the first of February. Not a good day for planting trees! I had ordered 25 Shore Pines, 2 Noble Firs and 2 Sitka Spruce trees. See @silvertop’s post for pics and details. He wanted the Shore Pines and I wanted the other two. Noble Firs are noted around here for the ‘perfect’ Christmas tree. All the ones I’ve seen at the tree farms didn’t look anything special, so it got me to wondering if they had maybe been mislabeled. Hence my curiosity in wanting to grow one up just to see if my suspicions pan out. The Sitka Spruce is also renowned for wood used in making guitars. No, I won’t be turning them into guitars as I am not a luthier, but the tree interests me nonetheless.
TGIF everybody! 🤠😁It’s Friday and another workweek is done! The clinic was busy, but interestingly both the first and the last patients were ‘no shows’. 🧐Mid morning, a patient came in whom I’ve known for quite a number of years but who I’ve not seen for probably 15-ish years! He was the worship leader for the church we were going to at the time and an awesome vocalist as well as guitarist. It was great to get to see him and spend a little time visiting. I know @silvertop would have enjoyed the visit if he’d been there.
Boy, what a day! What’s the saying-March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion, or also the other way around: comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. But what if it’s almost the middle of the month and the lion appears? That’s what happened today! We had every conceivable type of weather-rain, sleet, snow, hail and sunshine! I almost could believe I was back up in the high country in the Colorado Rockies where spring can be violent, lol!
It’s Wednesday-hump day for most; myself included and my Monday all rolled into one. That can be a good, bad, or an indifferent thing. Today, it was a stressful thing. I find it hard to deal with 4 people pulling at me all at the same time while on the phone trying to solve one of their issues with insurance! Ugh! 😝