Spruce in the snow.

Spruce in the snow.
I have mostly pine trees at my house. But very close by, in the neighbors' houses, spruce trees grow. They are very beautiful, tall, lush.
Spruce trees decorate the yard well. It is especially beautiful when the spruce is covered with snow. It is so beautiful and it lifts the mood so well.
I love spruce plants. All of them and bushes and trees. Like I said, they are evergreen. On a cloudy, cold fall day, a spruce tree decorates and makes everything around it not so gray.
Yes, of course, now it's spring and everything will soon bloom and nature will please even more, but even in summer the spruce remains green.
I like to have a spruce or pine tree growing in my yard. It can be decorated for the New Year holidays. In other countries they decorate houses very beautifully with garlands and decorate everything in the yard beautifully. I like it very much. Of course, we also decorate, but more attention is paid to decorating in the house than on the street.
I am sending you these photos, which are not winter yet. Although I took these photos at the beginning of spring. At the beginning of spring there was still snow and it was cold.