My Actifit Report Card: Lake Olchinger See

This morning I went walking with my human to another lake close by that i love a lot: Lake Olchinger See.
It is so close to my home that we can walk there. Autumn has arrived and the trees are very colored.
I was a little bit surprised that we went there cause I wasn’t at the lake all summer. Always when we go there we have to pass a lot of signs. My human says typically Germany.
I was so happy to walk at the lake!! There were not many people at this time and weather was also nice. The sun was shining on the lake and it was great view.
The lake is not very big and nice to walk around. After the first have we always pass through a little trail where I can smell a lot the other dogs. I love it there.
Running around the corner we were directly back at the lake. Walking the other half.
What I most about this place is that sometimes my human lets me jump around at the playground as well 😎
So I had to concentrate and jumped around doing some agility. 🤓
On our way back the light was going away so we were hurying to come back home and not long after it started to rain.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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