Splinterlands - Great Pulls Worth Sharing!


It's Been A Minute...

It has been quite a while since I posted on here, hopefully everyone in #Splinterlands has been doing well. I have still always been playing, just stopped my weekly posts. Maybe I will get back into it more again, but I knew I had to at least come back to share these few pulls that happened in a relatively short timeframe.

What kind of cards?

The pulls I am referring to in these cases are actually all Gladiator cards from Gladius Cases. These cards are a bit harder to acquire because you can only get the merits for them every 5 or so days at the end of a Brawl cycle. BlogDividerFancyFinal.png/

So... What Did I Get?

We will start of with my Main Account because I actually have something to share from my Alt Account as well!
The story starts with a double epic pack which I do not believe I have had before:
One Gorth which I don't know if I ever use and one typically elusive Quora!
Then we move on to the next brawl cycle and I am surprised by a second Quora!
Now the tricky part here is this brings me to 1 BCX away from a level 2 Quora and that likely means we will be waiting months before she shows up again; that's my typical luck at least...
The journey isn't over yet by the way... I actually forgot to get a pack after the next Brawl cycle (or just barely was short on the merits) and the following cycle I was able to get two Gladius Cases.
Upon opening both of these together I uncovered:
I am still very happy to have pulled these, but to bring a bit of sadness to my story, they are actually the only 2 legendary gladiator cards that this account already had! So the excitement was brought down a bit after realizing that. We can only hope more come to level them up (plus additional legendary friends to join the party).

What about the Alt Account Pulls?

Ahh yes, the story is not over just yet...
The same day as that second Quora opening, my alt had to go and show off as well by pulling:
A Legendary and a gold foil common!
To me, that was a whole bunch of luck slapped together because I am used to the basic packs and never any GF period.

Final Thoughts

I'd love to be able to follow up this post in a little bit of time with some more greatness, but I am pretty realistic and that doesn't seem like it will happen... If I do have anything worth sharing, I will do so.
I also want to say thanks to @splinterlands for providing the entertainment and #playtoearn / #play2earn game we all enjoy on a daily basis.
As usual, please consider following and liking the post, thanks!
I appreciate you stopping by and hope to see you again,
~ EhmayWuntee
If interested in trying #Splinterlands for the first time, you can use my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=ehmaywuntee
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