Promoting Sustainability And Community Living. @ecoTrain Driver. Supporting people who make this world a better place!
Planet Earth
It's hard to believe that just last week, a search on the IOS app store for the word Earthship yielded ZERO results! What is going on?!! Clearly my 25 years of educating and promoting earthship is not complete.. and to that note i am very pleased to announce a rather curious IOS APP, and website like no other!
The trajectory of modern artificial intelligence development, with its emphasis on multi-agent systems and specialized models collaborating in intricate choreographies, may be leading us astray. Insights from the realms of organizational psychology and human cognition suggest an urgent need to fundamentally rethink our approach to constructing more capable AI systems.
Hello everyone! This may be my shortest post on Hive! :)You know, no need to ramble on when a few words can more than do the job.I've always had this feeling of annoyance when people who havent even used AI properly get all fearful about them taking over, and who knows what! We have many movies to depict those worst case scenarios!
World Grinds to a Halt as Accumulated Bugs Take OverCould this be a headline in the news one day? Who knows, but I think this story is really funny, and also of course horrifying prospect... I meean, who knows, right? I say that as someone who has been deep diving into AI and very much the coding side of it for two years..
Watch on 3Speak**This video explores the revolutionary concept of Earthship Biotecture - a philosophy of home design and construction that partners with nature to create self-sufficient, sustainable living spaces. Developed by visionary architect Michael Reynolds, Biotecture homes aim to meet their own needs for energy, water, food production and waste management, reducing their occupants' environmental footprint and utility bills. ** Key principles of Biotecture covered in this video include:
I think its safe to say that i have spent the best part of the last 2 years making this FOLQUORA app. It began with the Oracle itself, the cards, the concept, the numerology, and then the readings! By the time i finished making it, it realised this was actually quite a compelling Oracle! The readings were way more useful and insightful than many other tarot or oracles i had used.. and being a total fan of sacred geometry I was also learning as i discovered the keys and cards.