Ecency development and maintenance #5

Ecency has been a part of the Hive blockchain for more than 8 years. Over this time, and Ecency mobile apps have been continually enhanced, bringing you exceptional user experience while all development being opensource and transparent.
Year 2024 is no exception, Ecency received huge number updates thanks to support and help received, from the community and every user and stake holder, in collaboration with our Developers team, we have made significant progress and improvement. We want to express our gratitude to all those who continue to be with us.

Here is a brief overview of the big changes/progress made throughout this past year:
  • Next.js - Complete rewrite of our website into new technology that's far more superior and performant. Our previous codebase still opensource and can be found here, while new codebase where all future development will take place, code resides here. This migration took quite longer time than we anticipated but changes were really worth it as we can see from search engine crawling rate and recent performance on organic reach in world wide web.
  • Perks - Quickly accessible perks, help us gamify social interaction and create more avenue of engagement and improve retention on platform.
  • Waves - Launched dedicated website page for waves (short form content) bringing quick access and engagement into next level. Ecency slowly becoming hub for different type of creators, video uploads for vlog enthusiast, waves for short form content creators, blogs for comprehensive and detailed articles.
  • Waves mobile app Introduced dedicated, opensource Waves mobile app for Android and iOS users. This mobile app is based on Flutter while our main Ecency app is based on React native. Development of new app gave us some experimental experience to see if community is ready for dedicated short form content. Application is growing slowly and finding its own audience. We will keep an eye on adoption and other metrics of short content creation and consumption.
  • Chats - We have introduced our private and group chats allow communities and people to communicate in much secure way. Based on opensource technology nostr. Technology merge was bit complex but we believe in long term this will help us attract community of similar minded users into Hive.
  • Mobile - Ecency mobile app continue to be #1 choice for Hive users, increasing accessibility and engagement on platform with instant access, management, gamification and responsiveness at the forefront of Hive.
Furthermore, Ecency has accomplished various improvements this year, including revamping and enhancing existing pages, providing new features and improved wallet management, better onboarding experience. Overall, it has been a fruitful year for Ecency.

Funds allocation

Ecency received 166865 HBD proposal funds during last period (15 months) until end of proposal 283 period.
  • ~48000 HBD web development
  • ~35000 HBD mobile development
  • ~40000 HBD server and services cost (onboarding subscriptions, servers)
  • ~10000 HBD new/un-scoped development (waves app, backend)
  • ~20000 HBD project management
  • ~5000 HBD equipment reimbursements
  • ~8400 HBD state taxes, conversion fees
We use clockify for tracking development activities, screenshot of activities
As of right now, our team maintains and continues to develop the following services, open source. This proposal funding will be used to maintain and improve these services:
Ecency team of 4 makes us quite lean while delivering consistent and really valuable development contribution. We remain fully committed and devoted to providing you with the finest open-source social experience on the blockchain.

Future plans

  • Focus on improved breakaway communities
  • Onboarding other crypto communities, we already have prototype of this.
  • Better wallet management, multi-token management
  • Better filters for more engaging waves.
  • Community break away, efforts made by 3speak team on our previous codebase should be migrated to use our latest/new next.js codebase.
  • Improve customization and easy self-hosting configurations
  • Documentation and tutorial videos on self-hosting and forking, customizing opensource codebase.

State of DHF

  • As of right now there is around ~23,292,000 HBD available for proposals
  • Daily possible funding on Decentralized Hive Fund is ~232,920 HBD
  • We are asking same Daily 396 HBD Monthly ~11880 HBD.

Cost explanation

  • Dev costs (4 developers) ~ 7000 HBD
  • Server costs ~2800 HBD (imagehoster, hivesearcher, rpc, hivesigner,, etc.)
  • Marketing, onboarding, community growth efforts ~2000 HBD
We understand that during the duration of our proposal we may get partial funding or no funding sometimes. But it won't stop us from developing and delivering. We hope you see value Ecency team brings to Hive and support us in common vision and goal!
Thank you!

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