not choosing sides, just reporting on dumb reporting
First off we need to establish that this information comes from a single poll of less than 1500 people so just like any sort of political poll that ends up getting done, this cannot be taken as proof of the entire population feeling this way. I will say that I am glad to see that the major networks that I think almost all of us can agree are completely full of it, are the ones that are feeling the ire of the people the most as they are continuing to lose viewers hand over fist.
I am not anti-liberal news, I am not anti-conservative news. Mostly I am anti-all-news because none of them seem to be at all interested in actually giving real information. I think that in a lot of ways they no longer care even though their viewership outside of a couple of shows is absolutely tanking and getting their butts handed to them by podcasters.
I browse through Yahoo News not because it is a good source of news but because it can be kind of amusing to see how they will go after anything, and I mean ANYTHING that DJT says to try to make it seem as bad as possible. The comments section of Yahoo News consists almost entirely of liberals, so everyone just dogpiles on and congratulates themselves for all agreeing with one another on a site that of course they are going to agree with one another. It's stupid for the most part, but the comments section can be quite amusing to see how incredibly worked up people get in their echo chamber as they all join in the chant that was always going to go their way anyhow.
Remember how 8 years ago the news and media were constantly attacking Trump for anything that he did that could be considered to be a bit mean? Often these things were exaugurated or just outright made up and the one I reference frequently is the time that Trump was in Japan and the media accused him of being disrespectful by dumping his entire bowl of fish food into the Koi pond.
The world is full of people that fit right into this category and while a lot of it is reserved for places I can't stand like TikTok or other such social media trash that I guess I am too old to understand the allure of, there are also people that have become quite famous in the political sphere who don't even know how to spell their own social media releases.
I normally keep my Florida man searches a little bit light-hearted because there so much apparently crazy stuff that happens in that wonderful state. I don't mean that in jest, I think Florida is one of the best places in USA once you get out of the major and expensive cities. Sure things are kind of strange down there and Miami is not at all representative of how the majority of Florida is.