Good day, brave warriors of Splinterlands! I continue to explore new cards from the Rebellion set and today I'm actively using the legendary Earth elemental mage, Fizbo The Fabulous.
With a summoning cost of 6 mana, he has a good combination of attack and health, but much more useful is the Tank Heal skill, thanks to which you can perfectly support your main attacker.
In one of the fights, I faced a pretty strong opponent who had a combo of Quora Towershead Gladiator and Goblin Psychic Mage, and in addition, he used Venari Marksrat Archer as a sacrifice to pump up Quora's parameters.
I went with the tried-and-true strategy with Flesh Golem as the Tank, Regal Peryton and Mushroom Seer as the main attacking forces, and Screeching Vulture to attack the rear. Fizbo The Fabulous was responsible for healing my tank and in the end, thanks to this support I managed to withstand the attacks of a powerful gladiator and win.
I was happy to share my experience and I think it will be equally interesting to see how the Shroud of Reflection Shield ability, which appears in Fizbo the Fabulous at level 2, will work.
See you on the battlefield!
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