Greetings, brave warriors of Splinterlands!
My adventure continues and today I had a very interesting fight against an opponent who outclassed me by a couple of levels!
When the Maneuvers rule comes out and cards get the ability to attack from the second line, I use Water Elemental and the powerful Coastal Sentry, which justifies the high summoning cost thanks to its double attack. But I admit this time I doubted my strategy as my opponent used Drybone Barbarian and added magic attacks to Scavo Hireling and Nimbledook Explorer with Aves Sturgis.
The situation turned out to be extremely tense. But luck is a great thing. After losing my tank and Coastal Sentry, which I had high hopes for, Djinn Oshannus, whose Void ability came in handy!
Such unexpected victories I am very happy and, as always, I was happy to share my experience.
See you on the battlefield!
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