Greetings, brave warriors of Splinterlands!
Yesterday was the end of the regular game season and I hope you got some great rewards, but I had a great fight in Guild Brawls and can't wait to share it.
Playing with gladiators is a hell of a lot of fun, but some of them have been lying around for a long time waiting for the right moment to prove themselves, and that's exactly what Jini Guise, the Legendary Earth Elemental Mage, was for me. I play her very rarely, but sometimes she really surprises and has a significant impact on the course of the battle.
In fact, yesterday in Guild Brawl I faced a very strong opponent of level 4, and the restriction on using my favorite Quora Towershead, so I had to get out of it and come up with a strategy with good defense, and since Jini Guise gives additional points to the shield, I chose it.
My main attacker was Flesh Golem, who has the ability to heal himself and can survive a few rounds in front of a strong opponent. Plus he got a shield from my gladiator, so the situation didn't seem hopeless. In addition, my mages were reinforced with Obsidian summoner, and Goblin Psychic provided additional healing for the tank.
Jini Guise, with an extra attack point on round 3 thanks to her Bloodlust ability, became a more effective attacker, and the fearsome enemy Quora started taking more damage than she could heal. So after getting rid of her, it wasn't too hard to deal with the remnants.
That's how the battle turned out.
I was glad to share my experience and see you on the battlefield!
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