Retired and trying hard to be a dive bum
No home brew this week so it’s back to one of my good old standbys Otter Ale a 4.5 %ABV a full flavoured premium ale from Otter Brewery in Luppitt near Exeter in Devon so I’d class it as a local beer as it’s only about 30 miles away from where I live.
So Hivers The other day I was doing a bit of internet surfing for coffee beans and came across the Dualit “Cocoatiser” which is a hot milk frother and hot chocolate maker. Which does mean I can retire my Nespresso frother and clear a bit of space on the work top.
Bit of a change in the beer this week from @Scubahead. The next batch of Plumb Porter isn’t ready so I have a bottle of Citra PLA to try. A bit stronger than the porter at 6.2% ABV so not a session beer but a nice pint all the same. It was a little hazy but had a good head which it held quite well.
I’ll admit I’m new to Moka Pot coffee and my first couple of brews have been pretty disgusting, drinkable but harsh and bitter, so Hivers I guess it’s time for a bit of research. To get the very best out of my classic 3 cup Bialetti Moka Express. It can’t be hard Italian kids can do it be before the are in kindergarten.
Ok Hiver beer beverage fans I have an admission to make. For medical reasons I have not touched alcohol for the last year. Not all bad, It’s one of the reasons I’ve lost a bit of weight and I’ve not missed waking up with a hangover on the odd occasion.
I’ve had an air fryer for some time and it’s mostly been used for cooking frozen oven chips and the like. But I’ve recently discovered a quick tasty evening meal that takes about 15 minutes to make. So Hivers here goes. You will need the following. An Air Fryer Obviously. Small steak cut in to 2cm chunks, I tend to use rib eye.