Diebitch-gaming name

gamer girl. love puns, harry potter and overthinking. Remind me to call my Mom.'Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come-Victor Hugo

Joined in 06, 2017
· 11. Jan 2024

SourceIt was her first time going outside the country. She had done endless research on the internet and made checklists, something that her impulsive self had avoided for the last 25 years. It was a business trip, but she had extended it to take in the views that Ireland offered. D-15Since she had just gotten married, she encouraged her husband to apply for a visa so they could spend some time together after her business conference was over. The husband applied for the visa with the assurance from the visa agent that he'd get it in a week. D-7Still no visa for husband. She started feeling the onset of a cold. D-3No visa, and no reply from the visa agent.Her cold had gotten worse. Normally, she would ignore it, but the cold had brought along a friend—ear pain. D-2Sadness took over as she gave up on a visa for her husband."Concerned" friends told horrific tales of ear pain and protracted air travel.This was followed by frantic googling on how to combat it. Her husband tried a folk remedy and poured heated almond oil in her ear. She wanted to catch hold of the folks whose remedy it was. Still excited about going to Ireland, though. D-1She had figured out the foreign exchange, and although the trip was clouded over by the lack of a visa and the pesky ear infection, it was still free. D DayShe booked a cab, took her passport and papers, and rushed towards the airport. There was a pileup on the way, and the cab driver took a detour.She glanced at her mobile for the time and kept it on the seat beside her. She was a bit late, so she rushed out of the cab, taking her luggage and handbag. As she stepped inside the airport, she reached for her phone to let her family know that she had arrived. She had left it in the cab. She rushed towards airport security and asked for information on how to retrieve her phone. She tried calling the driver through customer care, but to no avail. She started hearing announcements for her name as the last call for flight boarding. Luckily, the airport staff took pity on her and helped her process her papers faster and whizz towards the boarding gate on a golf cart. D+0.5 She stepped into Schiphol Airport for a layover,

· 6. Jan 2024

SourceWhat if job interviews were honest? Then you could skip the formalities and answer those inane questions exactly as you want. Then the interviewers can decide if you've got enough corporate stoogeness but not ambition so that you do not pose a threat to them.Here's an example of a very honest job interview. The SceneThree brownnosers who slack off at work and find excuses to avoid it hit on a perfect one: the recruitment panel. They are in it for the free food, lack of actual work, and also because they cannot leave their "What have you achieved?" section in their performance appraisal empty. They nod at each other, acknowledging each other's incompetence. The nervous candidate walks in with a smile pasted on his face like badly done Photoshop. Interviewer A: Let's start with the obvious: how are you? Tell us something about yourself so our eyes can glaze over and we can have a micro-nap. Candidate: Yesterday was my roommate's rich best friend's birthday, so obviously I went for the free booze. But thanks to your schedule, I had to get up early, find a tie, and splurge on a cab to come here. But, to borrow a phrase from my wife, I am fine. Interviewer CPicks up the CV and scans it as if he caresSo, tell us about your experience. I don't really care, but I will nod intelligently. Candidate: I have been making PowerPoint presentations for years. I also converted them to pdfs, something my boss did not know how to do, and I am sure you boomers won't either. I also take printouts and memorise coffee orders.Continues smiling creepilyInterviewer A raises eyebrows as if she is impressed: We are hoping to find a corporate drone like you who gives their boss due credit and can be easily replaced by an AI when the time comes. Also, I don't like coffee. It makes sleeping in the office very hard. Candidate: Thanks. I am also looking to do the same job for a higher salary.  Intervr B: So, why do you want to join us?   Candidate: Money. Interviewer C: Lol, you are not getting that here. We have bonuses to take. Is there anything else that motivated you to change? Candidate: I might have called my boss an idiot t
