What I learned in the last Hivechess / I still have a lot to learn

I don't usually do second parts but I think that this last chess tournament that took place on Friday is more than interesting to make an analysis of how we are doing at the halfway point of the hivechess season
This season is certainly much more contested than the last one that passed and not only that but we have a handful of players who are quite superior to me in the rating and right now in the standings

I have maintained my position in the standings for now but I am sure that many of the players who today have a lower rating than mine will surpass me at some point
In the Friday games I did maintain my boards quite a bit because chess is skimming the modality that I play the most nowadays and in which I perform best

You just have to play fast and aggressive in each of the opportunities that you have, a lot of attacking the opponent's liver and a focus on solidity in all the games to scrape the opponent's time as much as possible
It worked very well for most of the opponents but there was one in particular that I couldn't even tickle, in fact nobody could because he came out of the tournament undefeated and in first place

That is my next goal
From all the games I played it is clear that in the games I played against this opponent he was outclassed most of the time and I think it is time to train to reach that level

If I ever manage to do it because I am sure that to reach that extreme I have to be a prodigy since I was little but I am going to try anyway
At least I have started with the puzzles and I am going to practice a little more openings too because I feel that my repertoire is a little limited and I don't know how to respond to certain moves