Witness (c0ff33a), Photographer, Creative Coin, Creator of Deranged Photography Contests and Deranged Coin
Mushroom pornI have been more and more interested with mushrooms over the last few years and the more I learn about them, the more fascinating they are to me. These mushrooms are a newer psychedelic strain called Albino Bluey Vuitton. It is crazy how fast the psychedelic mushroom world is changing. There are more and more of these newer strains being cultivated and then crossed to make newer strains.
So much going onIt's hard to believe it has been over a month since my last post. So much has happened in that time and so much is going to be happening over the next few months. I may have announced the return of my photography contest a bit too early. I have so much going on that my contest has taken a back burner for a while.
sourceIntroducing Hive MemoriesI have been on Hive for over seven years now and over that time, I have made A LOT of posts. Before joining Hive, I was not a writer and had never blogged before. But over the years, I have found that blogging is a great outlet for me.
It's been a whileI have been thinking about bringing my photography contest back to the Hive blockchain. For those of you that have been here for a while, I ran a photography contest here for a few years. It was a really fun way to get people out taking pictures and sharing them here on Hive.
sourceOver the course of the last year, I have been doing mushroom trips once a month. Those trips have ranged from all sorts of different doses. Over the last year or so, I have had so many different experiences during these trips. I can honestly say that mushrooms have pretty much changed the course of my entire life. They have helped me work through things in my life and given me the ability to have compassion for myself and what I have been through in my 42 years here on this planet.
Tomorrow he will be 9 months oldTime has been flying. It is crazy to me that Theo is going to be 9 months old tomorrow. Over the last 9 months, he has made some pretty incredible changes.Our daughter has been introducing different types of food and he is having so much fun with it. One of his favorites is spaghetti made with spaghetti squash instead of pasta noodles. It has been pretty cool to be able to introduce the healthier foods that we have been eating instead of the prepackaged garbage that is sold in stores. I love how our health journey has influenced him as well.