Apr. 5, 23: Routine, PIMP Meeting, Quest, TV, and Games

[I dunno, woke up this morning stressing about Hive shit and here I am, ten minutes after getting up, and I'm working on my post (and started with the pictures like nine minutes ago)...from the minute I get up, to when I go to bed I'm either curating or posting or sitting in meetings or chatting in Hive Discords (often about Hive)...no wonder I've started to feel one dimensional.
I'm not sure, but after five years it might be time for a break...when something turns from something you enjoy and are excited about to something that makes your stomach churn and aggravates you, well, sometimes a change is as good as a rest.
But for now I've made no decision, and so I'll frantically try to write, probably up until the instant I have to get ready for work...finished the game section and didn't really have anything to say, so now I get to try and fill the three or four hundred words shortfall, fun.]
Got to bed a bit late last night, close to ten, and got up and moved out to the couch around two or so. I did make it until six thirty, though, and so ended up at nearly nine hours. My stomach hasn't stopped, well, since last Thursday actually...nearly a week now of anxiety spattered with the occasional panic attack.
In the past, it's about this point that my resolve/endurance begins to wane. You can only be in fight or flight mode for so long before the body starts to protest. My only consolation: this too shall pass.
The instant I was up I started working on my post...had to get done an hour early since we had Pimp Meeting today. I didn't quite get finished, but I worked on it during the casual chatter at the beginning of the meeting and was more or less finished when we started properly.
Cryptos were actually looking pretty good this morning, lots of greens, and a couple percent at that! 🤑 Three percent upswing on HBD to a percent and a half off the peg. 🤣 I guess if a bridge sways fifty feet to either side but doesn't fall it's stable? Got a really nice pop in BAL, though, that should hopefully help to make up some of the losses over on Polygon...losing pretty hard there at the moment. 😢
Got my post mostly done and then headed over for the PIMP meet. The meeting went really long again, like well over two hours, but it was quite different today as well. We usually have mostly game projects come talk with us (because that's where the money making opportunities are) but today Baltai and DarrenClaxton came and spoke about Trust Exchange.
Now, to be honest, I was completely blown away that something like this is being built on Hive!!! 🤯 They're building an information exchange where companies can request certain information and curators and validators create and verify the information (for token rewards). The curator and validator licenses are NFTs on Hive and the token is an H-E token (TREX), which is where the blockchain integration comes in. (On a side note, I did have a bit of a misunderstanding with Spiritsurge, but I think that actually may have been me overreacting...we haven't resolved it yet, so I won't say any more about it)
After the meeting finished up, I spent the next couple hours digging into their website and whitepaper. I think the potential is absolutely amazing and they were chucking around names like Visa and Blizzard and big banks and governments...and talking numbers on the order of millions to hundreds of millions. 🤯
To be honest, though, I'm a little hesitant yet, trying not to get blinded by dollar signs...I couldn't find a list of any actual particular partners, there's 5% of the token supply set for private sale to influencers to promote the token (this makes me really nervous with all the lawsuits going on about promoting FTX and all that stuff), and you have to buy the license (NFT) every year.
In addition, they have indemnified themselves from any liability resulting from damages from investing in the token (at least to the extent the law allows), which is an obvious thing to do to protect themselves, but kind of means I agree that they can rug or abandon it and I'd have little to no recourse (though I suppose that's the case for any token on H-E). It also explicitly stated that the terms do not imply that the applicable laws and regulations have been complied with...Long story short, I think it's brilliant and want to ape in, and that scares me.
I grabbed some lunch and wanted to take a break (had been going at 100+% since I got up), so I did some studying preparing for teaching tomorrow and then jumped into VR for a few rounds.
I was actually able to get into some co-op matches, but most of them were silly little kids who weren't very good and they ended up disconnecting when it gat harder. 😡 I got into one with a guy who was pretty solid and we had two of the three fuel canisters, unlocked all the doors, and had enough to go to the test site, but we got overwhelmed.
Quit out just before Wenche got home from work and she made us some French toast for dinner and we watched Dogma. Was glad that the DVD made it through without any glitches and I enjoyed it for the umpteenth time. 😁
Got ready for bed, worked on the WombPlay challenges after the reset and actually got them done already 💪, and we put on Married with Children until another late bedtime.
[There we go, forced myself to do another post.👍 At least I'm a little early today, can maybe try and relax for two seconds before the day properly begins ("try" being the key word).]

My Splinterlands rental income came to a dollar twenty today, same as yesterday. For now I suppose I'm just letting the balance build up a bit again before I swap out.
Huh, looks like my SIM income jumped by about five, so that's cool. Not sure why, though, but it looks like no ranking reward today. 🤔
Seems like I ran a couple missions today on Rising Star, pretty sure.
Still no changes over here.
Also, no changes over here. Been weeks now that I've been staking it all just because. Today I staked it all...just because.
Claimed up my stake and delegation rewards for the day and staked the airdrop and pool rewards as well, like every day for a while now.

Average Last 7 Days: 10,763
Lifetime Average: 14,334
10k per Day Streak: 11
Longest Streak: 204
Distance on shoes: 1322.64 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km
#AutomaticWin Tally: 425
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53
#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7
#DoubleDay Tally: 236
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37
Highest Floors: 120
Highest Daily Steps: 41,528
Zombies evaded: 0/0
Mindfulness Diary:
Health: 86%
Satisfaction: 70%
Energy: 93%
Productivity: 57%

The PIMP District!
Join us in the Mancave!
Power up and Hive on!
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