Apr. 3, 23: Routine, Walking, Chores, TV, and Games

[Well, here it is, ten after seven and I've got fifty minutes to do my post for today. 🤬 I did get a start yesterday, but not enough I don't think. Honestly, I woke up this morning thinking about the fact that I haven't taken a single day off from Hive shit all day for years now...really not feeling it today.]
Made it from about nine until six thirty today. Sure, I was up a couple times in the night, but I made it the whole way in bed and actually scored another nine hour night! 😁🥳 Not only did I not hit the wall after lunch, I took the dog for a walk instead. 💪
Can't think of too much interesting to note regarding the usual morning routine...been trying to keep up with Solairitas, but I'm a little behind with keeping the wallet cleaned (stake everything possible) and I still need to adjust the vote percentages, but for some reason my stress level has been at a 9.7/10 since last Thursday...I was all jazzed up from teaching and I still haven't come down between the Libertarian convention and the drama with TeamPH and now worrying about what to teach this week.
Seems like I'm in this period, kind of happens most years...also, now that I think about it, seems to correspond with Spring and the weather change, where I get this anxiety phase. Honestly, I feel like I'm handling this one a bit better than some other years, but still...then again, maybe it's just gas. 😜
Cryptos were flashing some reds today, but only fractions of a percent, so nothing major. Surprisingly, HBD went contrary, another five percent move in a day...oh, so stable! 😛
Spent the rest of my morning (like every morning for the last, what, three years?) working on my post and got a solid one done and shared. I was tempted at that point to jump in VR, but I started feeling guilty about wasting the time and decided to keep the streak going and take the dog for a walk for the third day in a row.
Not exactly warm by my estimation, but it was nicer than yesterday (which was nicer than the day before) and I skipped the second layer of pants and immediately took my hat off.
We did part of the walk downtown to give him a chance to sniff and pee and then we went along the other nature trail down by the railroad tracks.
Dude! I mean, the shot is one thing, very happy that I got a good pic of this turtle chilling, but holy hell the zoom on this phone is amazing...I could tell it was a turtle from the distance I was at, but that was about it. 🤯 Saw a couple of ducks too, but they flew off as soon as we got close.
Lots of birdies out on the lake too and I was happy to see two swans together (been worried about that one by itself).
Once again, this is an impossible shot...super happy with this camera!
After the walk, I took a little time to clean up the dishes in the sink and put away the clean ones in the dishwasher and tidied up a bit but I couldn't resist the call of the Quest.
When I hopped in I noticed there had been an update for Beat Saber, so of course I had to check that out. Was six new songs and I did a first run through on Expert (on video) of one of the songs...it was seriously wicked, though, and I only played the one. Jumped in for a couple rounds of co-op Drop Dead and then Wenche got home.
She made us salmon and cucumba and curly fries for dinner and we watched most of Dude, Where' My Car? but the DVD I burned went all wonky and froze up at the last chapter. 🤬
After that we put on some Married with Children before bed and that was another day gone.
[Yay, I got ten minutes left and not anywhere close to done. 😭🤬 Guess Brofi is likely to skip me today since my word count isn't up to par. ☹️ I guess I did break a thousand, so not terrible.]

My Splinterlands rental income rose twenty cents to a full dollar today. I suppose that's better than the seventy or eighty cents the last couple days, but I still don't understand why it's so low.
Even though I still had a few days worth left in my prepay balance, I decided to pay it up by another twenty SPS of my interest and staked the rest.
No changes in my dShitty income for today. I did have a crisis, but it just affected my popularity and not my income.
When I went in to check on Rising Star I had one percent Ego again already, so I ran a lesson. I guess the one thing to note was that I finally made it over the line to the next level...only another year or so before I unlock the next mission.
Thank heaven for the ability to suck a few more words out of this one today. Otherwise, meh.
Still just been staking everything I get over here. Still have no idea why.
Did the usual stake and delegation rewards claim for the day and staked my airdrop and pool divvies as well.

Average Last 7 Days: 10,707
Lifetime Average: 14,339
10k per Day Streak: 9
Longest Streak: 204
Distance on shoes: 1322.64 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km
#AutomaticWin Tally: 425
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53
#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7
#DoubleDay Tally: 236
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37
Highest Floors: 120
Highest Daily Steps: 41,528
Zombies evaded: 0/0
Mindfulness Diary:
Health: 83%
Satisfaction: 84%
Energy: 92%
Productivity: 50%

The PIMP District!
Join us in the Mancave!
Power up and Hive on!
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