Apr. 2, 23: Routine, Grocery Shopping, Walking, Movies, and Games

[Crud! I just realized I got that strip of pixels down the left side of my cover photo. 😡 Been a while since I messed that up...question is, does it bother me enough to redo it? Yeah, I guess it does. 😂]
I got another pretty decent night's sleep again tonight. 🥳 Made it from about nine until six, but even with getting up a couple of times and moving out to the couch, I got a solid nine hours. 👍 Though I did doze off for a little bit around seven, I barely dragged at all...do I dare to say that I'm caught up? (No jinx!)
Got going with the usual morning routine (got sidetracked a bit over in Discord) but not too much interesting happening with that. Checked the crypto markets and we had a mixed bag shallow to either side, so I think it's fair to call it trading sideways. $28.5k isn't a disappointing spot for BTC to hover, though, seems like we're building some support in this range.
Nice! HBD is up a percent to five percent off its "peg"...those who think that's not broken can't see the nose on thier face. Volatility like that is generally the death knell of any stablecoin and a five percent drop in USDC makes everyone wonder if the whole crypto market (or at least defi) is going to collapse, whereas it's a fairly common occurrence with HBD. The statement that HBD isn't stable and isn't expected to be a dollar is a mere statement of fact, otherwise it would have gone the way of Terra/Luna a thousand times over. I mean, that's simply obvious. 🤷
Let's see, well, I guess the noteworthy thing about this morning's routine, other than all the usual stuff was that @leveluplifeph made the foolish and unnecessary decision to turn me into an enemy...
You see, there's three stages to any group: "forming," "storming," and "norming" (starts off people are kind of timid and withdrawn/cautious getting to know each other, then inevitable clashes of personality and disagreements happen, then they get resolved and interactions become normalized)...these guys had come into the PIMP community wanting money and support and investors, and it seemed to me like a decent project and being partners with PIMP I was willing to stake for five years (yes, five year staking).
So they'd been around for a while and been in our meetings and stuff and I was thinking about getting in deeper, but before I was willing to do that, I wanted to see the storming phase...they took it waaay over the top and wrote an entire post about how I'm a troll (flattering, actually...they're more an afterthought to me, but I was important enough to warrant a whole diatribe 😂) but didn't even have the balls enough to tag me.
Anyway, let the record reflect that even though he used a community account to do nothing but bash me (which, if anything deserves a downvote from me, that does), I am a man of principle and did not. However, I hope it's clear enough to be heard across the cultural divide that everywhere, except in their little community, they are the noobs and they will recognize that or I will set my principles aside.
Oh, and FYI, when a chart goes down to the right, it's called a "downtrend."
That's not trolling, that's the truth.
Regardless, what could have been a discussion ending with me putting more money into their project, instead has changed my mind to the opposite extreme; totally unnecessary, but I'm glad to know now rather than later.
Otherwise, spent the rest of the morning working on my post (been keeping that word count up lately) 😀💪 and got it done and published on time. Wenche had pretty much just been waiting on me to finish, so once I was done, we headed into town to do the grocery shopping.
Not exactly sure how we managed it, I guess we got meats and we did get a BIG box of cat food, but we busted about two hundred today! 🤯😱 Got home and got everything put away, got some lunch, and then decided to head out for another walk with the dog...two days in a row!!!! We even went a bit further today, not quite five kilometers, but close. 😁
It was a little nicer out today than yesterday. Even though there was still some wind, the Sun was shining nice and I even took my hat off by the end (took it off once before, but the wind had it right back on).
Hooray! Spring is springing!!! 😁 As much as I dread the leaves falling, so too do I love to see those first flower shoots:
The water is crazy high in the pond right now! Not sure I've ever seen it that full, but maybe once before. Didn't see any turtles or any other motion over here, though.
There's another, smaller pond further along the nature trail and, boy, it was LOUD with all the froggies trying to get laid! Almost deafening up close. Didn't actually see any of them, but we did see a little painted box turtle sunning himself...he was standing so still I thought it was a twig, but when we got close enough he moved. Wasn't fast enough to get a pic, though.
After we got back, we were pretty sweaty from all that exercise, so it was time to hop in the shower. 😉 We still needed to return the movies we got yesterday, though, and hadn't watched Clerks III yet, so that was the next thing on the docket.
What can I say? I really enjoyed it! Kevin Smith is fricking brilliant and it tickled my meta-bone (don't want to give anything away). In all honesty (and it doesn't happen often), it even brought some tears to my eyes. In short, it's extremely well done, and if you're any kind of fan of Clerks, I think you'll enjoy it too.
Once that was done, I ran down and took the movies back and Wenche made us steaks and salad and curly fries for dinner, after which we hunted around for something else to watch...oh, yeah, Seal Team. That was pretty fun, had some nice pop-culture references thrown in for the savvy watcher. 😁
Later on in the evening I got to have a nice big eye roll...aggy pinging and everybody excited about a HIVE "pump." I would have thought of all people he would have been around long enough at this point to know better, but I guess people are still glutinous for disappointment. This one was even better since it basically played out in real time, dumped within like ten minutes (that's a Bart Simpson if I ever saw one). 🤣 You either have to laugh or cry.
Anyway, got myself ready for bed (and for once had actually, properly, earned all my steps and then some) and we put on some Married with Children. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep (like I said I kind of dozed off for a while earlier), but eventually I did.
[Crapola! Where did the time go?! Only five minutes left and not nearly done...going to be late posting today, I think. 😞 Yup, a good fifteen minutes late and I still feel like I'm somehow short...oh well, its alright.]

I'm still somewhat dumbfounded as to why my Splinterlands rental income has gone from a dollar eighty all the way down to eighty cents. 🤷‍♂️ Seems a significant enough difference to beg some kind of explanation, but I'm at a loss. Hopefully it will either go back up again or I'll figure out what setting I need to fix.
Having put an entire day's worth of SPS interest into the prepay account, I'm still doing alright there and just staked up all the interest again for today.
No crime or crises in my dShitty today and my SIM and HIVE income remained stable. 🤑👍 Props to Ecoinstant for helping me big-time with that!!!
Seems like I only went in once today on Rising Star. I ran a lesson, for sure, but I think that was it. I am coming up on rolling over to the next level soon, though.
Seems like Beard might have gotten caught up with a bunch of the Pizza giveaways, so I might need a new picture here soon as well. Won't that be something?! 😛
Still not got any clear plan for this, but for now I'm sticking to staking it all. Can't say I don't miss those extra HIVE every couple of days, but patience is supposedly a virtue.
Just the usual over here today too. Claimed my stake and delegation rewards and staked up the airdrop and pool divvies.

Average Last 7 Days: 10,736
Lifetime Average: 14,341
10k per Day Streak: 8
Longest Streak: 204
Distance on shoes: 1322.64 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km
#AutomaticWin Tally: 425
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53
#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7
#DoubleDay Tally: 236
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37
Highest Floors: 120
Highest Daily Steps: 41,528
Zombies evaded: 0/0
Mindfulness Diary:
Health: 87%
Satisfaction: 86%
Energy: 94%
Productivity: 70%

The PIMP District!
Join us in the Mancave!
Power up and Hive on!
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