隆Hola linda comunidad de Hive!馃懟,驴como estan?, esta canci贸n habla sobre una persona que perdio a su novia, y la recuerda tan vividamente que siente cada sensaci贸n solo con su recuerdo. La traje para la semana 11 de vibes web3 competition 馃敟
Uno de los atributos que mas disfruto es escribir 鉁忥笍 cuentenme si quieren maa temas originales 馃珎
Link de X:
Hello beautiful Hive community!馃懟, how are you?, this song talks about a person who lost his girlfriend, and remembers her so vividly that he feels every sensation only with her memory. I brought it for week 11 of vibes web3 competition 馃敟 One of the attributes that I enjoy the most is writing 鉁忥笍 tell me if you want more original songs
隆Siempre haz lo que amas!.