Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - The Enfeeble

Greetings people! how have you been? Entering our game Splinterlands Social Media Challenge for this time and i will tackle some not so new skill from rebellion series Enfeeble. Without any further nonsense, lets proceed what is this all about and a sample battle with it.

-1 to Target's melee power after each successful attack.
  • The skill emphasize that it is a debuff to the melee attack user monster cards. So in every successful attack of the skill user and the opponent is a melee attacker, it will eventually lessen this monster unit attacking power if successfully damage of -1 of its successful attack as the battle continues.

Lets see a Battle example for this skill.
  • Heavy Metal and Tis but Scratches adding Ferocity in a 49 Mana capacity battle and Dragon and Life splinters are off.
My Team:
  • Choosing Water Splinters as my main attacking team and adding Neutral splinters with it. Possibilus the Wise will be my summoner for this battle. Since Heavy metal is in the ruleset, most of the monster cards possess the armor comes from mellee attackers so the reach ability of the used summoner is critical. Diemonshark would be the monster card on the tank position. Commander Slade followed suit taking the opportunity to use the reach ability. This card is also the one that have the Enfeeble ability that we can see later on the battle. Disintegrator in the 3rd position that has Demoralize ability that is a good debuff for melee attackers. Uraeus was included for it has sneak and poison ability followed by River Hellondale that got a Ressurection and Inspire abilities that is beneficial to my team. It also a good form of attack since it possess magic damage. Swamp Splitter will complete my team that has range damage and repair ability. A support type card that can attack.

The Battle:
  • Enfeeble ability is a great way to use for the Melee showdown. Commander Slade that have this ability is a great card that can back up that Enfeeble skill. It has Dodge, a good armor and chunky life that is a good characteristics to keep itself alive in the battlefield. This means, it has greater chance of casting this skill to the opponent.
You can watch the full battle HERE.

You want to join the game? click it HERE for my referral and start your journey!
I guess its time to wrap up things and see you around fellas!
Thank you for your time!
Images are from SPLINTERLANDS
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