Hey everyone! The dCrops team wishes you a Happy Easter and/or a Happy April Fools day based on where you are from.
Its surreal how quickly time flies. It feels as if it was only yesterday that
we celebrated our 2 year anniversary and now its only 2 weeks left for dCrops to turn in the third year!
To be able to say that this community is turning 3 years old is in itself a huge accomplishment given the myriad of projects that went under in the same 3 years. Nevertheless, we have accomplished so many things the last 3 years with a lot more to come.
Let us all countdown towards the 3 year anniversary together! To celebrate we are holding a daily check-in event. This event will last for 2 weeks which is exactly when the anniversary event starts.
To participate, head over to dcrops.com/anniversary. For the next 2 weeks, you will be able to check-in and claim your daily bonus items which include boosters, salt, pepper and gas. To check-in, you will need to pay a nominal fee of 30 CROP tokens.
For every day that you check in, you will also earn 0.3% more easter eggs when the anniversary event begins. This is a stackable bonus for a total of 4.2%.
Please don't try to check in multiple times in the same day, it may cause double spending of your CROP tokens.
How have you liked your dCrops journey so far? We would love to hear about it!