*ENG Text*
Hello Friends!
I would like to share with you my daily report. These ones are my yesterday daily activities, on March 18th, 2023.
In the morning I prepared material and had lunch at home. I prepared the dough for Focaccia and biked to Aghinolfi's Castle, Piano, Montignoso and Turano, seeing some people and filling a few little bottles. I returned home, had a shower, read some pages of a book and went to bed after dinner.
Goodnight and read you tomorrow friends!
During the Sars-cov2 pandemic, I began to quote the daily and weekly report about the situation. Below, the numbers after the publication of the report about the period between March 10th and 16th, officialized by the Italian Ministry of Health and the ISS.
New cases: 23 730
Increasing in the swabs carried out number: 452 747
Total cases now: 25 652 926
The deaths: 188 750 (212 more than the previous weekly report)

[MY BIKE RIDE HERE](https://strava.app.link/hGYHTRHWiyb)
*ITA Text*
Ciao Amici!
Mi piacerebbe condividere con voi il mio report giornaliero. Queste sono le mie attività per la giornata di ieri, 18 Marzo 2023.
In mattinata ho preparato del materiale e ho pranzato a casa. Ho preparato l'impasto per della Focaccia e ho pedalato fino al Castello Aghinolfi, a Piano, Montignoso e Turano. Ho visto delle persone e riempito delle bottigliette. Sono tornato a casa, ho fatto una doccia, ho letto qualche pagina di un libro e sono andato a nanna dopo cena.
Buonanotte e ci leggiamo domani amici!
[IL MIO GIRO IN BICI QUI](https://strava.app.link/hGYHTRHWiyb)
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*The Blockchain-Like Photography Contest* _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@davidesimoncini/actifit-davidesimoncini-20230319t210821353z)_



Cycling, Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking