Dear Splinterlands,You've built a strong community which has stuck by you because we trust you are doing your best. When pioneering a brand new world, we understand that you will make mistakes, then we expect you to learn from them and adjust.
Splinterlands is a web3 trading card game that naturally appeals to 3 groups of players:A: Gamers B: Defi or Web3 C: CollectorsMuch time is spent in making the game a great game. The team does a fantastic job of making a complex high-end game that is very enjoyable to play for the enthusiastic gamers. While it does appeal to the high-end dedicated gamers, the team has lost its way over the years in appealing to the brand new gamers. The complexity of the game has outpaced the new person's ability to keep up, thus the need for a New Player Experience (NPE). GRADE A-
My name is Dave McCoy and I am applying to be a Board Member of the SPS DAO. I have already completed the KYC information from the last election, and I'm willing to serve if selected by the community. I don't want to be the Chairman at this time because I think its good to have more people involved at the higher level and not become some permanent encampment for me (or anyone for that matter).
#spstreasurerMy name is Dave McCoy. I would like to hold one of the Treasurer positions for the following reasons.I care very much about the project and want to do my part in helping to make sure we handle the SPS DAO's funds responsibly. I have a lot of assets in the whole ecosystem, but just as importantly I have a lot of friends and relatives that are also participating. To me its important that we take care of our funds wisely, and I will do my best to always demand clarity to all instructions in order to handle the disbursement of funds.
This is an update to everyone on the process to determine the ultimate fate of the Soulbound Cards. I appreciate all the input and feedback received, and I am impressed at the level of respect people gave towards the process of finding a compromise.
This post is meant for discussion and as a framework to try to find a solution. IT IS NOT A PRE-PROPOSAL. All proceeds from the post will go to the @sps.dao.Finding a solution to Soulbound rewards is very important. Right now we've approved the unlocking for "land use" only. I've listened to many arguments on this and realize that it will take a compromise to pass a "full unlocking". I'm attempting to find that compromise solution.