This is an update to everyone on the process to determine the ultimate fate of the Soulbound Cards. I appreciate all the input and feedback received, and I am impressed at the level of respect people gave towards the process of finding a compromise.
### Complex Situation
This issue is different than many in that its not binary. There are many different outcomes possible. And because there are so many variables, finding a solution wasn't easy. But we did try and that's important imo.
In the end, we can summarize the significant issues as follows - with each person placing a different priority on what is most important:
- effect on the economy short term (land, ranked play, tourneys, brawls)
- effect on the economy long term (ie what is the future model going forward)
- effect on the players that view SB cards as part of their ROI
- effect on the players that view SB cards as enhancements to their playable deck
- effect to the players that need to finish their set (ie moving a few to max a card out, or buying from the market)
- effect on the players that want to rent/sell/trade/transfer SB cards
- effect on the players that don't want more than 1 max version
- effect on the ability to attract new players - specifically their ability to compete without these cards puts new players at a big disadvantage.
These are not ordered in terms of importance, because each person has their own view of the importance. For instance, some feel #6 is most important, while others feel #2 is, etc...
I do believe every one of these points has validity, and I was impressed that many people understood this too. I feel we failed to reach a compromise because the situation was so complex, not because people didn't try to find a solution. Many players were willing to "give" to try to help the process. But in the end, we just couldn't bridge the gaps because getting this "right" is so important. My belief is we tried our best as a community and we've matured a lot since our early days.
### Let The Boss Decide
I feel grateful that the owners of Splinterlands give us a high degree of input and let us try to find solutions to problems we feel are important. In the end though, its the owners of the company that have the ultimate stake in the game. They have not only their own assets invested, but also have their careers and reputation on the line each day.
At some point, once we know they have listened to us, we need to kick the decision upstairs and let the boss decide. Basically we need to TRUST they will do what is right for us, especially when weighing all the factors involved that we've successfully pointed out.
I 100% trust
@yabapmatt understands these issues regarding SB cards. I believe his decision will take all factors into account, and he will arrive at a solution that prepares us for the future. I think his goals are the same as most people here (growing the game, building trust and value for the long term, etc...).
Only Matt, as the ultimate Boss, can know what he has planned for the future and how this integrates with that vision.
Again I appreciate and respect all those that gave me feedback on this issue, and your thoughts and comments were shared up to the highest level. Thank you!
ps. the vote of this post will go 100% to the