Opinion for almost everything, enthusiast of technological advances, lover of my family, sports and cars, Electronic Engineer, God lives!
Carabobo, Venezuela
I'm still taking advantage of these holidays to rest, and there's nothing better than being in bed and watching a good movie. My oldest son told me that it was already possible to see Gladiator II, and without hesitation, we planned to watch it as a family. The truth is, I had been waiting quite a while to see it. It's all due to the hype on social media, knowing that it would be a kind of continuation of the first movie, its wonderful cast, and the possibility of seeing moments of Roman history seemed to fit together in perfect harmony, but not everything was as I expected.
Cada dia me sorprendo mes con el avance de las IA, por eso he decidido que cada vez que aprenda algo nuevo, lo compartiré a través de un blog, y que mejor lugar que con la comunidad Geek de Hive. La IA que comenzó todo este revuelo, ChatGP, a pisado el acelerador y a comenzado a integrarse con otros software, saliendo de su zona de confort de sus aplicación móvil y su sitio web.
Merry Christmas! A great plan for these holidays is to stay home and relax after long workdays and watch a Christmas movie with the family. I know not all of them are good; they can be repetitive and with little surprise, but these types of movies always work because they bring positive messages told in different ways, even though everything centers around Christmas.
I recently came across these Christmas photos that are very important to me. It's something I've really enjoyed about participating in this memory community, searching weekly for photos to share that have special meaning in our lives. I'm sure Christmas photos are among the ones we all have the most of; it's a time of family togetherness, special meals, and meaningful reunions. My #TBT this week is about my first Christmas as a father and the first and only Christmas my father-in-law spent with us.
Llega la celebración de la navidad y dentro de poco el año nuevo, seguro tendrás muchos video de los momentos mas especiales de estos dias, por eso hoy quiero compartir contigo como hacer de forma rápida y sencilla el efecto Chroma Key para que le de ese toque especial a tus video y dejes impresionados a tus familiares y amigos con los resultados.
Recientemente viendo contenido en las redes de un canal de tecnología que sigo, me sorprendió gratamente uno de sus videos. En el comentaban lo que para ellos era una gran y buena noticia, titularon el video ¿La cura para el autismo? En la nota mencionan a un grupo de científicos de Barcelona - España, que tras años de investigación descubre la razón del aumento de personas con autismo en los últimos años, y que gracias a los resultados obtenidos es posible desarrollar un mecanismo que podría revertir el autismo.