Video ads makes much impact

It seems I am having a date with advertising this year. I have come to see much of its relevance, something I wished I should have done earlier enough. Nevertheless, we need to get started rather than keep waiting. A time comes when knowledge hits you as you are progressing. I have my target and in a nutshell, it is to push business to where it ought to be in the near future.
I once talked about wrong advertising which limits an adverts influence. In another article, I delved into feeding the same audience, something I am working on improving upon that as it also has it own disadvantages. Adding to that, there is something I have recently discovered, the mode of advertising also matters too. Come to think of it, we are in a generation where online consumers are so impatient. How many minutes do you want to spend on a content?. Tik tok has made it even more interesting.
Before getting to the videos parts, let's analyze the images (pictures only part of advertising). This is the kind of advert I am currently running and I am seeing some flaws. Am I saying we will stop doing so? Of course not, yet it needs an added fragrance as a booster. It happened again yesterday when I had a conversation with our customer about how we've expanded. I had to hand him over our new compliment card and to be more precise he didn't even take that time to look at it.

I was there, so I know what I mean here. People are tired and impatient to read through. All he mostly knows about us is what we started the business from which is the laundry part. He doesn't come to our office (home pick up and delivery is part of our service). I had to take some time to make some explanation on getting to him yesterday. As I said, he just took the card, glanced and said Ok.
I knew it wasn't well justified as I have not heard him make enquiry of our other incorporations. I mean, we have been sending our image ads through our DMs and also directly to them on a weekly basis yet he was not up to date with us. How did I know this? I had to take a few minutes of his time to explain how broad our brand is (what and what we are now into) and I saw his eyebrows raised in surprise. I was a little disappointed, that my advert efforts all this while on him has been futile, on the other end, I learned something.
Maybe I will have to do more one to one interaction with customers when going for pick up or delivery or perhaps also TRY another advertising strategy; the video ads. I feel video advertising will make all our adverts more charming and interesting. Some days ago, I gave my brother a birthday mug cup which was branded by us. He made a video and shared it on his timeline and the info I got from him was that his friends said it is now they understand much about our branding section.

This was just a one minute video but was able to send information in a way we couldn't for months now. I was left in amusement, how come I never focused on this. Of course I knew about video ads but was just pending its usage. We shouldn't anymore. It has proven to be a sure way to make advertising much easier for us. We are looking for attention and every opportunity counts.
There are many benefits I am already seeing from here, talk of better brand recall. This is something I am trying to get to the minds of customers and potential ones. An enticing video that looks brief and self explanatory can do justice to this. Adding to that, there is a high potential of much engagements, feedbacks and enquiry. This is something we are looking forward to.
To conclude, let me add, I feel there is a need to make advertising look more flexible. The picture image only part of advertising a brand, product and services may not be able to send out and attract the needed attention. As I said, online consumers are looking for brief and precise product summaries. How can this be done on picture images? It becomes very difficult, I manage to even reduce a lot of words when sending out our virtual compliment cards.
Many people don't understand big grammars like branding, monogramming, contract sewing and the rest. I feel some video caption displays will go a long way here. At least they will be able to relate with what their eyes sees and their ears hear rather than what their mouth reads. We are talking of impact here and video ads make much of it.
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