Yesterday was the first part of this
article which I concentrated mostly on the
business part of
'the right people'. It is very necessary to scale business to be more precise. Do well to
check it out and drop your
comments. We are always open for any form of learning. Let the fun be unending.
Ok, let's head back straight, who are people? I know what you are thinking, is this guy joking? Does he not see
humans walking up here and there? Ok, sorry, wrong question so I will put it this way; who are 'the right people'?. Very interesting from here. I was once opportuned to sit and here one spiritual tutor say many of us have 'phone numbers' not contacts. It may seem funny but there is much truth in this. How many of those phone numbers can solve your problem? Few to very few.
life can be much easier if we are connected to the right people. "Any problem a
man has, connection can solve it"---dani-EL. You can read that over and over. We stay limited in the absence of proper connection. I
love listening to men of experience, especially those in the faith. In one of my recent tutoring I was meant to understand the four kinds of people we need in our life. You know life is like a ladder and you need people to
hold it as you climb. It was more of an overview but I will be putting much of my personal insight into this writing.
Divine Connecters
source One thing to
note before even going further is that most help that will come your way should not necessarily be financial. You need people who can link you up to where things are happening. This is mostly the
work of this set of people, they may not have the financial
support you need but they can link you up to where things are happening. They often find themselves where favor will locate you and will immediately echoe you to be the best man for the
I had such a conversation last
week when one of my
customers told me how he linked his
friends to secure a
contract worth millions of Naira. How did it
ALL happen? He went to a friend's place and heard him making a call of who to fix
solar panels for him and after he ended the call he told the man why he should be looking for a technician far off while he is here and can provide the best around to solve his problem. That was how the deal went through.
Influential people
At some point we always call this cheating yet I must add, it is good to have someone. As I said, life is about having the right people. Not all of such scenarios equals cheating, favour is a realm and some benefit from it. Just as said, influential people matter in your life. Those people that can use their name, office or
reputation to push you upward. Do you have them? Maybe you'll do some necessary analysis when you are done reading this article.
Knowledgeable people
source You know I once told a friend I don't work with poor people. He was surprised to hear what he assumed was a harsh word come out from me so I had to explain further. Who is a poor person? In my definition, this is someone that lacks both physical and mental
asset (no
money, no knowledge). You must have at least one of these and here is where the knowledgeable fit in. They expose you to what is trending, the
investments and
opportunity that will be your life changer. They add wisdom to you in order to run a successful business and so on.
Burden bearers
These are mostly people who see your vision and are willing to sacrifice a
lot just to see you achieve it. Mostly it is always within the family
Circle yet many are fortunate to always meet burden bearers even outside this circle. We all have down
time and it takes people like this to get you back up. They can refuel your future, get that extra help you need for you to stay encouraged even at their inconvenience.
To conclude, let me add, there is much to achieving life goals and one of those areas to consider is those you are exposed to. Who and who makes up your destiny circle? There is a need to do the needed rechecking so you don't miss out on the way. Every human on
Earth needs help. I keep on saying it, human beings are assets when you meet the right people. This is when you can make the necessary
leverage to reach your destination not just on time but well. So I ask again, do you have this four set of people?